Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • N.K. Brar
  • P. Brown
  • B. Butt**
  • B. Crombie
  • D. Damerla
  • S. Dasko
  • C. Fonseca
  • P. Fortini
  • A. Groves
  • J. Horneck
  • N. Iannicca
  • D. Keenan
  • J. Kovac
  • M. Mahoney
  • S. McFadden
  • M. Medeiros
  • M. Palleschi
  • M. Reid
  • M. Russo
  • R. Santos
  • D. Sheen*
  • A. Tedjo
  • G.S. Toor
  • P. Vicente
Members Absent:
  • C. Early* (Alternate D. Sheen)
  • C. Parrish** (Proxy B. Butt)
Staff Present:
  • G. Kent, Chief Administrative Officer
  • D. Valeri, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • P. Caza, Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services
  • T. Buonpensiero, Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Development Services
  • K. Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works
  • S. Baird, Commissioner of Human Services
  • B. Laundry, Acting Commissioner of Health Services
  • Dr. N. Brandon, Acting Medical Officer of Health
  • A. Adams, Regional Clerk
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • J. Jones, Legislative Specialist
  • S. MacGregor, Legislative Technical Coordinator
  • D. Rai, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Regional Chair Iannicca called the meeting of Regional Council to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton.

Councillor Groves departed at 10:10 a.m.

Regional Chair Iannicca read an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.

Regional Chair Iannicca acknowledged the passing of Regional employee Oreste Luccitti who was a valued member of the Public Works team.

  • Resolution Number2023-628
    Moved byCouncillor Vicente
    Seconded byCouncillor Dasko

    That the minutes of the July 6, 2023 Regional Council meeting, be approved.

  • Resolution Number2023-629
    Moved byCouncillor McFadden
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the agenda for the September 14, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a delegation from Rahul Mehta, Founder, Sustainable Mississauga and Co-Founder, Stop Sprawl Peel, regarding delegation 7.3 from the Mississauga Food Bank, staff report 9.2 “Reducing Health-related Impacts of Climate Change”, communication 14.3 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing”, and motion 20.2 regarding Delivery and Funding of Active Transportation Programs in the Region of Peel, to be dealt with under Delegations – Item 7.5; and
    2. That the agenda for the September 14, 2023 Regional Council meeting include an email from Daphna Nussbaum, Program Coordinator and Analyst, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness, providing a copy of a letter to the Transition Board requesting clarity on roles and responsibilities for service providers that support people experiencing homelessness, to be dealt with under Items Related to Human Services – Item 12.3; and
    3. That the agenda for the September 14, 2023 Regional Council meeting be approved, as amended.
  • Resolution Number2023-630
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo

    That the following matters listed on the September 14, 2023 Regional Council Agenda be approved under the Consent Agenda: Items 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 22.1, and 22.2.


Regional Chair Iannicca acknowledged Kealy Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works, for her volunteer leadership position on the Leadership and Management Committee with the American Public Works Association.



  • Resolution Number2023-631
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the contract for the Emergency Response Vehicle Conversions for Peel Regional Paramedic Services (Document 2019-137P) awarded to Rowland Emergency Vehicle Products be increased in the amount of $500,000 (excluding applicable taxes) for a revised contract amount of $881,770, pursuant to Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended; and
    2. That subject to budget availability, the Commissioner of Health Services and/or the Director of Procurement be authorized to purchase additional items and services that are deemed proprietary or similar in nature to address future requirements through a direct negotiation for the remaining optional terms, whole contract expiring July 21, 2026.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(For information) (Related to 7.5)

  • Resolution Number2023-632

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-633
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write to the federal Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness requesting:
      1. a contribution agreement to March 31, 2026 that includes the full funding amount originally allocated to Peel Region from the federal Building Safer Communities Fund program; and
      2. flexibility to carry over unspent funds or move funds between fiscal periods; and
      3. that a copy of the letter to Public Safety Canada be sent to Peel-area Members of Parliament; and
    2. That in the absence of an agreement with Public Safety Canada beyond September 30, 2024, that Peel Region provide gap funding to the end of December 31, 2024, estimated at $0.7 million to $0.9 million funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, to enable community agencies to plan programming that can continue uninterrupted until a new accountable entity (or entities) assumes accountability for the program beginning January 1, 2025.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated July 17, 2023, Advising of 2023-24 One-time Funding for Community Services (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-634

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated July 10, 2023, Declaring Gender-based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic in the City of Brampton (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-635

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Memorandum dated August 22, 2023, Advising of a Provincial Policy to Strengthen Public Health in Ontario (Referral to Health Services recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-636

    Referred to Health Services

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 22, 2023, Advising of Additional Base Funding and One-time Funding for the 2023-24 Funding Year for the Provision of Public Health Programs and Services (Receipt recommended)  

  • Resolution Number2023-637

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 30, 2023, Advising of One-time Funding for the 2023/24 Funding Year to Support the Dedicated Offload Nurses Program (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-638

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 30, 2023, Advising of Additional Base Funding with Respect to the 50/50 Land Ambulance Services Grant for the 2023 Calendar Year (Receipt recommended)  

  • Resolution Number2023-639

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 7.3 and 7.4)  

  • Resolution Number2023-640
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the $2 million temporary funding for food security be presented for consideration as permanent base funding in the 2024 budget; and
    2. That funding to the Community Investment Program be increased for consideration in the 2024 budget by a further $3 million to address increased demand and inflation within the non-profit sector, continuing demand in food security as well as programs supporting black and indigenous serving organizations; and
    3. That a one-time increase in the Community Investment Program, Capacity Fund of $1.1 million, to be funded within the approved 2023 Community Investment and Income Support operating budgets, be approved.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 9, 2023, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Iannicca Regarding Program Reimbursement and Funding for Asylum Claimants Seeking Emergency Shelter in Peel (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-641

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 4, 2023, Regarding the Peel Region Refugee Asylum Crisis (Receipt recommended) (Related to 11.2) 

  • Resolution Number2023-642

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated September 12, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Transition Board Requesting Clarity in Roles and Responsibilities for Service Providers that Support People Experiencing Homelessness (Receipt recommended) (Related to 8.2) 

  • Resolution Number2023-643

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter received August 21, 2023, Regarding the Streamlining of Approvals under the Aggregate Resources Act and Supporting Policy (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-644

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated August 30, 2023, Regarding the 2023 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-645

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated September 6, 2023, Regarding the Proposal to Return Lands in Ajax to the Greenbelt (Receipt recommended) (Related to 7.5) 

  • Resolution Number2023-646

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-647
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write a letter to the Minister of Long-Term Care to advocate for adequate provincial funding and increased financing for public and private non-profit long-term care homes, as well as a review of the existing funding formula; and
    2. That a copy of the letter be forwarded to Peel-area Members of Provincial Parliament, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-649
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the contract (Document 2018-684T) for the Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies and Dispensers awarded to Corporate Express Canada o/a Staples Advantage Canada be extended for a 12-month term in the estimated amount of $700,000 (excluding applicable taxes); and
    2. That approval be granted to extend the contract for one additional 12-month term, subject to satisfactory performance, approved budget and price (escalated in accordance with the terms of the contract); and
    3. That the Director of Procurement be authorized to increase the value of the contract as required based on actual quantities and usage.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-650
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo

    That the report of the Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee (DEAR-2/2023) meeting held on June 29, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-651

  1. That the agenda for the June 29, 2023 Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee meeting include an oral update on Governance to be dealt with under Other Business Item 8.1; and
  2. That the agenda for the June 29, 2023 Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee meeting, be approved, as amended.



5.1       Silvia Gonzalez-Zamora, Engagement Partner, and Michelle Ouyang, Engagement Analyst, KPMG LLP

Regarding Peel Region's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy (Related to 6.2)

Resolution Number 2023-652



6.2       Region of Peel Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy

(For information) (Related to 5.1)

Resolution Number 2023-653



8.1       Governance Update (Oral)

Resolution Number 2023-654



6.1       Continuing Investments in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

(For information)

Presentation by Juliet Jackson, Director, Regina Hartwick, Indigenous Engagement Advisor, Office of Culture and Inclusion; and Rene Nand,   Manager, Community and Cultural Engagement

Resolution Number 2023-655


Letter dated July 26, 2023, Regarding the Selection of Ernst & Young as the Third-party Vendor to Execute the Audit of Municipal Finances for Peel Region, the Cities of Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto, and the Towns of Caledon and Newmarket (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-656

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated August 17, 2023, Regarding Ontario’s Investment in More Asset Management Support Tools and Programs for Municipalities (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-657

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated August 29, 2023, Regarding Legislative Amendments to Improve Municipal Codes of Conduct and Enforcement (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-658

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(For information) 

  • Resolution Number2023-659

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 8.3)

  • Resolution Number2023-660
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo

    That the report of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee (WMSAC-4/2023) meeting held on September 7, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-661

That the agenda for the September 7, 2023 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting, be approved.



5.1       Key Waste Management Initiatives Update

Presentation by Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management

Resolution Number 2023-662



Resolution Number 2023-663

  1. That the planned direction and next steps for key waste management initiatives as described in the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the September 7, 2023 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting agenda, titled, “Key Waste Management Initiatives Update”, be endorsed; and
  2. That the subject report and related staff presentation be included on the September 14, 2023 Regional Council agenda.


Letter dated June 15, 2023, Regarding the Appointment of Kealy Dedman, Peel Commissioner of Public Works, to APWA’s Leadership and Management Committee for a Two-year Term ending August 2025 (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-664

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.


Regarding Continued Investment in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion   
(Related to 8.1)  

  • Resolution Number2023-665

Angela Carter, Executive Director, Roots Community Services Inc., provided an overview of changes to the political landscape in Peel Region resulting from Bill 112 and the social impact on Peel residents; diversity and systemic inequities in the Region; Peel’s support of local agencies through the Community Investment Fund for the provision of essential services; Peel’s successful collaboration with community organizations during the pandemic; the need to factor in human and social aspects for decision making during the transition of Peel; and the community leader Metamorphosis Network.

The delegate requested that provisions for community resources be continued during and after the transition and that infrastructure be in place to seamlessly incorporate the services currently managed by Peel Region.

Regarding Continued Investment in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  
(Related to 8.1)  

  • Resolution Number2023-666

Patricia Chrisjohn, Regional Indigenous Community Member, Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) Indigenous Sharing Circle Member, and resident of Peel, provided an overview of the Indigenous community’s work with, support of and contribution to Peel Region; the importance of PAMA to the Indigenous community; establishment of the Indigenous Community Centre (originally the Peel Aboriginal Network); and PAMA’s work with the diverse indigenous community to participate on an advisory circle to design and develop a permanent Indigenous exhibit. The delegate shared a Haudenosaunee traditional philosophy of decision making that requires decisions be made with careful consideration as to how they will impact seven generations into the future.

Providing an Update on Food Bank Use and Growing Poverty in Mississauga (Related to 7.5 and 11.1) 

  • Resolution Number2023-667

Meghan Nicholls, Chief Executive Officer, The Mississauga Food Bank, provided an overview of Food Banks Mississauga; food insecurity and poverty rates in Peel; food bank use in Mississauga; increased service penetration rates; and impacts of the $1 million Peel Region grant over two years, for the Mississauga Food Bank. The delegate requested that Peel continue to partner with Food Banks Mississauga by renewing the grant for a further two year period.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the network of 60 agencies served by Food Banks Mississauga; and the impact of newcomers, asylum seekers, and chronic unaffordability on food bank usage.

Providing an Update on Regeneration Outreach Brampton Statistics and Growth  
(Related to 11.1) 

  • Resolution Number2023-668

Dan Gibson, Director of Community Engagement, and Jenna Robson, Director of Operations, Regeneration Outreach Brampton, provided an overview of Regeneration and the clients they serve; impacts of the pandemic, COVID-19 funding, year over year increased cost of living and asylum seekers; client statistics; volunteer programs; and increased services made possible through Peel’s Community Investment program and the Food Security grant. The delegate requested that Council continue to support Regeneration.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the organization’s upcoming lease renewal; a need for infrastructure/capital acquisition funding grants for organizations working in food security; provincial funding for organizations addressing homelessness supports; potential collaboration between food banks in the local municipalities; and similar increased client statistics from Knights Table in Brampton.

Regarding Delegation 7.3 from the Mississauga Food Bank, Staff Report 9.2 “Reducing Health-related Impacts of Climate Change Strategic Priority”, Communication 14.3 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Motion 20.2 Regarding Delivery and Funding of Active Transportation Programs in the Region of Peel 
(Related to 7.3, 9.2, 14.3 and 20.2)  

  • Resolution Number2023-669

Rahul Mehta, Founder, Sustainable Mississauga and Co-Founder, Stop the Sprawl Peel, provided comments regarding support for food banks, the need to advocate to other levels of government, and an overview of programs that could be implemented to compliment food bank goals.

The delegate stated his support for the addition of full time staff for health programs related to climate change.

The delegate requested that Peel support and advocate to the provincial government for the return of all Greenbelt lands and to request a full public inquiry.

The delegate supported the motion listed as item 20.2 on the September 14, 2023 Regional Council agenda, noting that access to affordable health and mental health supporting activities should be considered a necessity, and requested that municipalities continue to support the cause after the dissolution of Peel.

Item 20.1 was dealt with.

  • Resolution Number2023-670
    Moved byCouncillor Dasko
    Seconded byCouncillor Fonseca

    Whereas violence against women is a Canadian public health crisis that demands urgent action;

    And whereas, one in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. One woman or girl is killed every other day, on average, somewhere in our country;

    And whereas, the most dangerous time for a victim of abuse is when she separates from her partner. According to research from the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, when there is a history of coercive control, violence and a recent separation, a woman’s risk of domestic homicide goes up 900 times;

    And whereas, the current Canadian court system is not equipped to protect women. According to the National Judicial Institute, there is no mandatory education for Judges on domestic violence;

    And whereas, according to Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children must be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has care of the child.” Our current family justice system often fails our children in this regard;

    And whereas, custody disputes are an additional risk factor and each year in Canada about 30 children are killed by a parent. As reported by the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative, recent separation and domestic violence are the two biggest risk factors for domestic violence related child homicides;

    And whereas, Keira’s Law is named after four-year-old Keira Kagan, who was killed while in the custody of her father, in 2020;

    And whereas, Peel Region has formally acknowledged family violence and intimate partner violence as a key focus area of Peel’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan;

    And whereas, Peel Region has declared intimate partner violence and gender-based violence an epidemic and have called upon the provincial government to formally declare an intimate partner violence epidemic in Ontario;  

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    1. That Peel Region calls on the federal government to ensure that changes introduced by Bill C-233 to strengthen protection for survivors of domestic violence and raise the level of education on domestic violence and coercive control, for federally appointed Judges, are fully resourced and implemented; and
    2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to Peel-area MPs, MPPs, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and the Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Youth, for awareness.

Councillor Dasko stated that intimate partner violence has been recognized by local municipalities as an epidemic, and that protection for survivors of domestic violence is a by-product of that epidemic. He requested that Council support the motion to ensure those in authority have the training they require to address issues regarding domestic violence.

In response to questions of clarification regarding Keira’s Law, the Regional Solicitor & Commissioner of Legislative Services advised that the Bill has become law at both the federal and provincial levels of government.  At the federal level the law, as enacted, deals with amendments to the Judges Act which require Judges to be trained in areas of intimate partner violence, coercive control, and similar types of training. The law also made amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada which require Judges to consider whether individuals who were being released into the community, in respect of charges that deal with intimate partner violence, should be required to wear an electronic monitoring device. Legislation enacted at the provincial level makes similar educational requirements for provincially appointed Judges and Justices of the Peace.

(For information)  
Presentation by Regina Hartwick, Indigenous Engagement Advisor; Juliet Jackson, Director, Office of Culture and Inclusion and Rene Nand, Manager, Community and Cultural Engagement 
(Related to 7.1 and 7.2) 

  • Resolution Number2023-671

Regina Hartwick, Indigenous Engagement  Advisor, Juliet Jackson, Director, Office of Culture and Inclusion and Rene Nand, Manager, Community and Cultural Engagement, provided an update on Peel’s continued investment in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) including an overview of diversity in Peel Region; consultation with Peel’s community; equitable and inclusive programs and services; Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives’ focus on DEI and its achievements; Peel’s Indigenous focus and establishment of an Indigenous Sharing Circle; the Community Investment Program; the need for equitable and inclusive treatment of employees; and the investment and commitment needed from all municipalities in Peel to advance DEI in a meaningful way.

(For information) (Related to 12.3)
Presentation by Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Resolution Number2023-672

Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), provided an update on Bill 112 including transition timelines; Transition Board appointments, duties and onboarding activities; the magnitude, scale and complexity of Peel and the integration of its services; ongoing risks; data sharing processes; requests to the Transition Board regarding employee related decisions and public disclosure; integrated governance structure for the Transition Board and Municipal Finances Audit; and the Municipal Finances Audit Governance structure.

The CAO answered questions of clarification regarding Transition Board staffing; implications for stakeholders; a communication plan; and a request to keep local municipalities informed. The CAO noted that a communication plan is the responsibility of the Transition Board and their Work Plan is needed to provide further clarification on processes.

(For information) (Related to 17.2) 
Presentation by Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management 

  • Resolution Number2023-673

Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management, provided an overview of key waste management initiatives having implications beyond Peel’s dissolution including the blue box transition; waste collection contracts; long-term organics processing; mixed waste processing; financial plan initiative; Britannia Landfill gas to energy redevelopment; and the Caledon Landfill property acquisition. The Director of Waste Management summarized associated risks should the initiatives not proceed beyond the dissolution; and advised that stresses related to loss of staff may require that projects be prioritized one over another.



(For information) (Related to 12.2)  

  • Resolution Number2023-674
  • Resolution Number2023-675
    Moved byCouncillor Brown
    Seconded byCouncillor Crombie

    Whereas Peel Region is facing a humanitarian crisis with Asylum Claimants from Africa;

    And whereas, Peel has had to turn away those seeking shelter space for the first time in our history;

    And whereas, the Peel Region shelter system is at 250 per cent capacity;

    And whereas, Peel is home to the largest airport in Canada and was not a recipient of the recent funding announcement for Toronto;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    1. That Peel Region request immediate help for these Asylum Claimants from the governments of Canada and Ontario;
    2. That Peel Council write a letter, signed by the three Mayors and Regional Chair, to the Immigration Minister and Finance Minister; and
    3. That the letter be copied to the FCM and AMO.

Councillor Brown stated that a disproportionate number of asylum seekers have been arriving from Kenya as a result of the federal government’s extension of eligibility criteria for asylum claimants. He noted there is a crisis of Kenyan asylum seekers being turned away from shelter supports.

The Commissioner of Human Services advised that Peel Region is working with multiple hotel partners to increase shelter space and provide more overflow, however capacity is currently limited. Despite a financial deficit, Peel will continue to work to increase capacity to meet the need. The Commissioner stated that while Peel can provide part of the solution, a broad Greater Toronto Area (GTA) region wide solution is needed to solve the issue. Peel’s financial deficit is projected to be $15M for 2023.

In response to questions of clarification, Aileen Baird, Director of Housing Services, provided an overview of asylum claimant statistics, noting that the Peel shelter system is currently operating at a 250 per cent occupancy rate. There have been approximately 200 instances per week of denied shelter requests due to limited capacity.

Councillor Brown placed a motion to advocate to the federal and provincial governments requesting support for Asylum Seekers arriving in Peel.



(Related to 7.5) 

  • Resolution Number2023-676
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    Whereas the Sustainable Transportation Strategy (STS), approved by Regional Council in February 2018, sets a goal of a 50 per cent sustainable mode share by 2041;

    And whereas, the Region of Peel unanimously passed a motion on April 8, 2021 (Resolution 2021-338) to advance Sustainable Active Mobility and work collaboratively with lower-tier municipalities and community advocates to improve the active transportation network across the Region;

    And whereas, the Region of Peel has provided financial support for programs to promote and encourage active transportation, including Community Cycling Programs, Bike the Creek, School Bike Rack Program, Bike Month activities, community bike hubs and pop-ups, training and mentorship programs, and more, which benefit all residents across the Region;

    And whereas, these programs have demonstrated their effectiveness at increasing cycling as a transportation mode share, encouraging an active lifestyle by incorporating cycling into recreational and utilitarian daily routines thereby increasing overall levels of physical activity, health and wellbeing, and increasing accessibility to affordable transportation options;

    And whereas, these programs are run by non-profit organizations funded by the Region with matching grants form other levels of government and face immediate uncertainty during the transition period;

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    That sufficient staff and funding resources be brought forward for consideration in the annual budget, to ensure continued delivery of these programs during the transition period of the Region of Peel as follows:

    • Community Cycling Program
      • $125,000 for Brampton and Caledon
      • $113,300 for Mississauga
    • AT Programming $150,000 including:
      • School Bike Rack subsidy,
      • CAN-BIKE Training,
      • Bike Month
    • Bike the Creek $20,000
    • One full-time Regional staff position plus two university summer students.

Councillor Santos advised that there is anxiety in the active transportation community and the motion is proposed to ensure that programming continues throughout the Peel transition period.

Regional Chair Iannicca requested that the proposed motion be amended to be considered at the next budget cycle.




  • Resolution Number2023-677
    Moved byCouncillor Fortini
    Seconded byCouncillor Dasko

    That Council proceed into "closed session” to consider a report relating to the following:

    • Bill 112 Impacts (Labour relations or employee negotiations)
  • Resolution Number2023-678
    Moved byCouncillor Fonseca
    Seconded byCouncillor Brar

    That Council move out of "closed session".


Council moved into closed session at 12:59 p.m.
Council moved out of closed session at 1:50 p.m.

Item 22.3 was dealt with.

Bill 112 Impacts


(Labour relations or employee negotiations) 

  • Resolution Number2023-679
    Moved byCouncillor Medeiros
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo
    1. That the update provided in the Closed Session Report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the September 14, 2023, Regional Council agenda titled “Bill 112 Impacts”, be endorsed; and
    1. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

July 6, 2023 Regional Council Closed Session Report

  • Resolution Number2023-680

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Property Acquisitions, City of Mississauga, Ward 7 and Ward 8


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board) 

  • Resolution Number2023-681

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-682
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    That By-law 42-2023 to confirm the proceedings of Regional Council at its meeting held on September 14, 2023, and to authorize the execution of documents in accordance with the Region of Peel by-laws relating thereto, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


The meeting adjourned at 1:54 p.m.

No Item Selected