Whereas section 259 (1) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, states that the office of a member of council of a municipality becomes vacant if the member resigns from his or her office and the resignation is effective under section 260;
And whereas, Councillor K. Ras provided notice of resignation in writing, filed with the clerk of the municipality, in accordance with section 260 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended;
And whereas, the City of Mississauga has provided to the Region of Peel a copy of City of Mississauga Resolution Number 0024-2022 in which the position of Councillor for Ward 2 was declared vacant;
And whereas, section 259 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, states that if one of the offices of a person who is a member of council of both a local municipality and its upper-tier municipality becomes vacant under section 259, the other office also becomes vacant;
Therefore be it resolved, that the Regional Council seat of Council K. Ras, be declared vacant.