Steven Dickson, Director, Housing Development Office, provided an overview of the Housing Development Office, achievements, challenges, opportunities and the 2022 priorities; progress made with the Housing Master Plan; core principles that support sustainable housing with continuous improvement to building design and practices; funding streams and allocation breakdowns, noting the gap of $319.6M that must be met prior to 2028 to guarantee the federal government funding stream; the risks of not meeting the funding envelope and potential solutions including further advocacy to the federal and provincial governments; an update on the Incentives Pilot Program; and, next steps.
In response to a question raised by Councillor Medeiros regarding the percentage of non-Peel residents that secure affordable housing in Peel Region, Janice Sheehy, Commissioner of Human Services, stated that this data will be included in 2022 Budget presentations.
Councillor Fonseca referenced a half day housing forum that was held with stakeholders several years ago and inquired if another similar forum could be held. Janice Sheehy responded that she would follow up with Councillor Fonseca to discuss the past forum and the potential for a future forum.
Councillor Groves noted the upcoming provincial election will be held in June 2022 and asked that there be increased and immediate advocacy to local MPP’s regarding housing funding and policies. Keith Medenblik, Manager, Strategic Public Policy and External Relations, stated that staff are scheduling a briefing session with Members of the Government Relations Committee and area MPP’s indicating that further advocacy strategies regarding housing issues can be raised at this time.