That the Region of Peel’s Housing Services Division work with Health Services and other health care organizations in Peel to develop a permanent, integrated model of care to provide health care services to Peel’s homeless population;
And further, that until such time as the program is finalized and implemented, that the Director of Housing Services be granted authority to directly negotiate, in accordance with the Region’s Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended, with Homeless Health Peel and The Governing Council of the Salvation Army, each for a contract term of up to 19 months, to deliver health care and social services to people with complex care needs who are experiencing homelessness, at the Region’s homeless shelter at 1767 Dundas Street East, Mississauga;
And further, that the implementation of this solution for up to 19 months, at the total cost estimate of $6,590,300, be funded to a maximum of $5,200,000 from the Home in Peel deferred revenue account and $1,390,300 from the Housing Services base operating funding, with no net impact;
And further, that the allocation of funding of $2,790,300 for Homeless Health Peel, $2,394,000 for The Governing Council of the Salvation Army and $1,406,000 for operating cost be approved;
And further, that once final costs are established, that authority to award these contracts and other associated contracts, including maintenance, security and cleaning services at 1767 Dundas Street East, be delegated to the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services and/or the Peel Housing Corporation Treasurer, as applicable;
And further, that the Commissioner of Human Services be granted authority to enter into and execute the service agreements, as negotiated, and any necessary ancillary documents, with the successful proponents, on business terms satisfactory to the Commissioner of Human Services and on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor;
And further, that the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write to the Minister of Health to advocate for permanent, sustainable funding to provide health care services for people experiencing homelessness.