Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • G. Carlson
  • P. Fortini
  • N. Iannicca
  • J. Innis
  • L. Kiernan
  • M. Medeiros
  • C. Parrish
  • R. Starr
  • A. Thompson
  • P. Vicente
Staff Present:
  • J. Baker, Chief Administrative Officer
  • G. Kent, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • P. Caza, Acting Regional Solicitor
  • A. Smith, Chief Planner
  • K. Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works
  • K. Lockyer, Regional Clerk and Director of Clerk's
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • S. Jurrius, Committee Clerk
  • S. Valleau, Legislative Specialist
  • R. Khan, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Councillor Parrish, Committee Chair, called the Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting to order on October 7, 2021 at 10:05 a.m., in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive.  Members of the Committee and staff participated electronically.

Other Councillors Present: S. Dasko; C. Fonseca; A. Groves; I. Sinclair


    That the agenda for the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting include a delegation by Jennifer LeForestier, Resident, Town of Caledon, regarding Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review and MCR Review – Update and Key Issues – SABE, to be dealt under Delegations - Item 4.4;

    And further, that the agenda for the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting include a communication from Laura Hall, Director, Corporate Services and Town Clerk, Town of Caledon, providing a copy of the Town of Caledon Resolution regarding the scope of the Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review, to be dealt under Communications - Item 6.11;

    And further, that the agenda for the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting be approved, as amended.

Regarding Settlement Area Boundary Expansion 2041+

  • Received

Michael Bissett, Partner, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Bolton North Hill Landowners Group (BNHL) within the Option 1 lands and the southerly portion of the Option 2 lands in north Bolton, expressed support for the staff recommendations to include BNHL lands proposed for the new community area (the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion lands).

Regarding a Request to include their Clients’ Lands at Royal Glen Golf Course into the Palgrave Estates Residential Community, in Conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, as it relates to the Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review

  • Received

    That the matter regarding the inclusion of the Royal Glen Golf Course into the Palgrave Estate Residential Community designations in the Region of Peel Official Plan be referred to staff for review and consideration.

Don Given, Founding Partner, Malone Given Parsons Ltd., stated that their clients’ lands at Royal Glen Golf Course were excluded from the Palgrave Estate Residential Community (Palgrave Estate) designations in the Town of Caledon’s and Region of Peel’s respective Official Plans.  He requested that the Region of Peel include the lands in the Palgrave Estate’s designation as required by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act. Don Given indicated that it is an opportune time to rectify the mapping error by bringing their clients’ lands into conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.

Councillor Thompson requested that Don Given submit the same request to the Town of Caledon for review and consideration.

Regarding Residents' Concerns with respect to Official Plan Policy Changes Related to Aggregate Operations in the Town of Caledon and Region of Peel

  • Received

David Sylvester, President, Forks of the Credit Preservation Group and Member, West Caledon Communities Aggregate Group, provided an overview of the roles of the Aggregate Group; the current state of aggregate extraction in the Region of Peel and its impact on watersheds and land use; and requested that the Regional Official Plan include the implementation of innovative aggregate policies.

Members of the Committee discussed and raised questions regarding: review of outdated aggregate policies; cumulative effects of aggregate; fly rocks and minimum distance separation requirements at quarries; and, advocacy of aggregate policies at the Regional level.

Councillor Groves suggested that staff consider the minimum distance separation requirements at pits and quarries related to fly rocks from surface blasting operations as part of the Municipal Comprehensive Review process. 

Additional Item – Item 4.4:

Regarding the Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive     Review Overview, Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (Related to 5.1 to 5.4 inclusive)

  • Received

Jennifer Le Forestier, Resident, Town of Caledon, provided her concerns and views regarding records related to the review of the Town and Regional Official Plans; timing of proposed development in proximity to the proposed Bolton Caledon GO Train Station; impacts of the GTA West Corridor; guiding principles of the Growth Plan; alternative plans to accommodate the demand for housing in the existing settlement area; draft zoning and official plan amendments,  including semi-detached homes on single family dwelling lots; and, plans to bring existing neighbourhoods up to density for active transportation.

(Oral) (Related to 4.2) 
Presentation by Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director, Regional Planning and Growth Management  

Kealy Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works, noted that the Region of Peel Official Plan Review process since 2013 involved extensive consultations, technical and planning work.  The public and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback before final recommendations are developed.  The Commissioner stated that the draft recommendation represents a balance of provincial requirements, technical information, input from Regional and local municipal Councils and staff, and broader stakeholder groups.  

Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director; Tara Buonpensiero, Manager, Policy Development and Mark Head, Manager Research and Analysis, Regional Planning and Growth Management; and Stefan Krzeczunowicz, Hemson Consulting, provided an overview of the land use planning policy framework; regional and local municipal roles with respect to official plan reviews; results to date of the Regional Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR); the proposed policy directions based on the extensive background research and consultation undertaken related to housing, transportation, Major Transit Station Areas, Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (SABE), cultural heritage and indigenous engagement; key locations for intensification in urban growth centres and strategic growth areas; visualizing density for existing or planned residential communities across the Region; and next steps.

Members of the Committee discussed and raised questions regarding: how the growth scenarios relate to the draft SABE; and, providing lands suitable to accommodate truck depots and contractor yards. 

Due to technical issues, the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) meeting recessed at 11:42 a.m. and adjourned at 12:10 p.m.  

The agenda items listed below were not dealt with at the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting and will be considered by the Committee at its meeting scheduled for October 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

(For information) (Related to 4.2) (Copies of Appendices I to V inclusive are available from the Office of the Regional Clerk or the Region of Peel website) 

(For information) (Copies of Appendices I to IV inclusive are available from the Office of the Regional Clerk or the Region of Peel website)

(For information)(Related to 4.1) (Copies of Appendices I to VI inclusive are available from the Office of the Regional Clerk or the Region of Peel website) 

Letter dated August 3, 2021, Supporting the Inclusion of the Entirety of the Option 1 Lands Owned by Bolton North Hill Landowners Group in the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion as Part of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated August 3, 2021, Supporting the Inclusion of the Entirety of the Option 1 and 2 Lands Owned by Bolton North Hill Landowners Group in the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion as Part of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review (Receipt recommended)  

Letter dated August 10, 2021, Providing Provincial Comments on the Region of Peel Draft Major Transit Station Area Official Plan Amendment (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated August 23, 2021, Regarding Hybrid Option 1/2 Lands; Region of Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review; and, Request for Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated September 13, 2021, Regarding the Peel 2051 Draft Settlement Area Boundary Expansion Update and Revised Mapping Related to Humber Station Road (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated September 16, 2021, Regarding the Peel 2051 Draft Settlement Area Boundary Expansion Update and Revised Mapping Related to Wildfield Village Lands (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated September 23, 2021, Regarding the Peel 2051 Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review, Draft Settlement Area Boundary Revised Mapping and Land Needs Assessment Report Related to Brookvalley Project Management Inc. (Receipt recommended)

Letter dated October 4, 2021, Regarding the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review Related to Royal Glen Eagle Investments Limited (Receipt recommended) (Related to 4.2 and 5.2)

Letter dated October 4, 2021, Regarding a Request for Urban Area Boundary Expansion (Palgrave Settlement Area) Related to the Region of Peel Municipal Comprehensive Review (Receipt recommended) (Related to 5.4)

Letter received October 4, 2021, Regarding the Calculations for the Land Needs Assessment (Receipt recommended) (Related to 5.3)

Additional Item – Item 6.11:

Letter dated October 5, 2021, Providing a Copy of the Town of Caledon Resolution Regarding the Scope of the Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review (Receipt recommended) (Related to 5.1)