Kealy Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works, noted that the Region of Peel Official Plan Review process since 2013 involved extensive consultations, technical and planning work. The public and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback before final recommendations are developed. The Commissioner stated that the draft recommendation represents a balance of provincial requirements, technical information, input from Regional and local municipal Councils and staff, and broader stakeholder groups.
Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director; Tara Buonpensiero, Manager, Policy Development and Mark Head, Manager Research and Analysis, Regional Planning and Growth Management; and Stefan Krzeczunowicz, Hemson Consulting, provided an overview of the land use planning policy framework; regional and local municipal roles with respect to official plan reviews; results to date of the Regional Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR); the proposed policy directions based on the extensive background research and consultation undertaken related to housing, transportation, Major Transit Station Areas, Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (SABE), cultural heritage and indigenous engagement; key locations for intensification in urban growth centres and strategic growth areas; visualizing density for existing or planned residential communities across the Region; and next steps.
Members of the Committee discussed and raised questions regarding: how the growth scenarios relate to the draft SABE; and, providing lands suitable to accommodate truck depots and contractor yards.
Due to technical issues, the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) meeting recessed at 11:42 a.m. and adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
The agenda items listed below were not dealt with at the October 7, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting and will be considered by the Committee at its meeting scheduled for October 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.