Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • N.K. Brar
  • P. Brown
  • B. Butt
  • B. Crombie* (Proxy J. Kovac)
  • D. Damerla
  • S. Dasko
  • C. Early
  • C. Fonseca
  • P. Fortini
  • A. Groves
  • J. Horneck
  • N. Iannicca
  • D. Keenan
  • J. Kovac*
  • M. Mahoney
  • S. McFadden
  • M. Medeiros
  • M. Palleschi
  • C. Parrish
  • M. Reid
  • M. Russo
  • R. Santos
  • A. Tedjo
  • G.S. Toor
  • P. Vicente
Staff Present:
  • G. Kent, Chief Administrative Officer
  • D. Valeri, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • P. Caza, Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services
  • T. Buonpensiero, Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Development Services
  • K. Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works
  • S. Baird, Commissioner of Human Services
  • N. Polsinelli, Commissioner of Health Services
  • Dr. K. Bingham, Acting Medical Officer of Health
  • A. Adams, Regional Clerk
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • H. Gill, Legislative Technical Advisor
  • J. Jones, Legislative Specialist
  • D. Rai, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Regional Chair Iannicca called the meeting of Regional Council to order at 10:36 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton.

Councillor Crombie arrived at 12:21 p.m. (Councillor Kovac remained as voting proxy in accordance with Procedure By-law 27-2022)

Regional Chair Iannicca read an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.

  • Resolution Number2023-805
    Moved byCouncillor Toor
    Seconded byCouncillor Keenan

    That the minutes of the November 23, 2023 Regional Council meeting, be approved.

  • Resolution Number2023-806 Two Thirds Vote
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That section 4.4.3.d of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to add a delegation that was received after 9:30 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to the start time of the meeting, from Sharon Mayne, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Family Service Peel-Dufferin, and Sean Meagher, Executive Director, The Change Lab, regarding the dissolution of Peel, to be dealt with under Delegations - Item 7.10.

  • Resolution Number2023-807
    Moved byCouncillor Keenan
    Seconded byCouncillor Butt
    1. That the delegation listed as Item 7.1 on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda be withdrawn; and
    2. That the delegation listed as Item 7.2 on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda be withdrawn; and
    3. That the delegation listed as Item 7.3 on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda be withdrawn; and
    4. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a motion from Councillor Russo regarding the delegation from Peel Regional Paramedic Services listed as Item 7.4; and
    5. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a delegation from Victoria McCrum, Senior Development Manager, SmartCentres and Christine Fang-Denissov, Planner, Urban Strategies, regarding Phase 2 of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review: Consideration of Potential Employment Area Conversions Results, to be dealt with under Delegations - Item 7.9; and
    6. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a delegation from Sharon Mayne, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Family Service Peel-Dufferin; and Sean Meagher, Executive Director, The Change Lab, regarding the dissolution of Peel, to be dealt with under Delegations - Item 7.10; and
    7. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a communication from Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship responding to a letter from Regional Chair Iannicca; Mayor Brown, City of Brampton; Mayor Groves, Town of Caledon; and Mayor Crombie, City of Mississauga, regarding immediate assistance required for asylum claimants, to be dealt with under Items Related to Human Services - Item 12.3; and
    8. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a communication from Patrick Trafford, Acting Town Clerk, Town of Caledon, providing a copy of a letter to the Transition Board requesting an extension of the period for public comment, to be dealt with under Items Related to Corporate and Legislative Services – Item 16.2; and
    9. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting include an oral update from the Acting Medical Officer of Health regarding Bill 112, , to be dealt with under Items Related to Health – Item 9.4; and
    10. That item 19.1 listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda be referred to the Regional Council Policies and Procedures Committee; and
    11. That the agenda for the December 7, 2023 Regional Council meeting be approved, as amended.
  • Resolution Number2023-808
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the following matters listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council Agenda be approved under the Consent Agenda: Items 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 16.1, 17.1, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, 22.7 and 22.8.



Chaired by Councillor N.K. Brar or Vice-Chair Councillor A. Groves

  • Resolution Number2023-809
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the contract (Document 2023-416N) awarded to Multilevel Leadership Consulting Inc., for the provision of post-pandemic leadership training and support services in Public Health, be extended in the amount of $400,000 (excluding applicable taxes) to support other divisions in Health Services for a total revised commitment of $500,000 (excluding applicable taxes), in accordance with Procurement By-law 45-2023; and
    2. That authority be granted to the Commissioner of Health Services and the Director of Procurement to extend the contract on an as-required basis, up to the available approved budget.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

  • Resolution Number2023-810
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Health System Integration Committee (HSIC-3/2023) meeting held on October 19, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.


Recommendation HSIC-5-2023:

Resolution Number 2023-811

  1. That the agenda for the October 19, 2023 Health System Integration Committee meeting include an update regarding consideration of Toronto Metropolitan University Advisory Committee Membership to be dealt with under Other Business – Item 7.1; and
  2. That the agenda for the October 19, 2023 Health System Integration Committee be approved, as amended.




4.1       Angela Carter, Executive Director, Roots Community Services Inc.; and Cheryl LaRonde-Ogilvie, Advisor, Health Equity, Health Services

Providing an Update on the Initiatives of the Black, African and Caribbean Strategy and Planning Action Tables

Resolution Number 2023-812



5.1       Update on Initiatives of the Black African and Caribbean Community Health and Wellness Collaborative

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-813


5.2       Highlighting Peel’s Integrated Respiratory Illness Season Preparedness

(For information)

Presentation by Mary Choi, Associate Medical Officer of Health; and Brian Laundry, Director, Strategic Policy & Performance

Resolution Number 2023-814


5.3       Update on Provincial Acceleration of Ontario Health Teams

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-815



7.1       Consideration of Toronto Metropolitan University Advisory Membership to the Heath System Integration Committee


Resolution Number 2023-816

That the Health Services Integration Committee Terms of Reference be amended to include one additional Advisory Member from the Toronto Metropolitan University.


  • Resolution Number2023-817
    Moved byCouncillor McFadden
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the designation and provincial funding of the Transitional Behavioural Support Unit at Peel Manor be endorsed; and
    2. That the 2023 and 2024 Long Term Care operating budget be amended to include an additional $1,027,200 million in expenditures fully funded by provincial pilot funding, provided through Ontario Health Central Region, for the operation of the Transitional Behavioural Support Unit at Peel Manor; and
    3. That the Transitional Behavioural Support Unit at Peel Manor be operationalized in accordance with the requirements of the designation and staffing plan.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 14, 2023, Responding to a Letter from the Regional Clerk, Regarding Bill C-233, “Keira’s Law” (Resolution 2023-670) (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-818

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 22, 2023, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Iannicca, Regarding “Support for National School Food Program” (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-819

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter received December 1, 2023, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Iannicca Regarding Support for International Students in Peel (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-820

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Chaired by Councillor M. Reid or Vice-Chair Councillor P. Vicente

  • Resolution Number2023-821
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the grant payment to the new parent organization named Help Age Canada, from the previous named National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly, be approved; and
    2. That the Director of Housing Services be authorized to execute a funding agreement to provide a one-time grant to a maximum of $20,000 to Help Age Canada to support the implementation and administration of the Canada HomeShare Pilot in Peel to be funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization reserve.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 20, 2023, Regarding “Transitional Housing to Support Women Fleeing Violence” (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-822

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 17, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter sent to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Regarding the Urgent Need to Release Peel Interim Housing Assistance Plan (IHAP) Funding (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-823

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 22, 2023, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Iannicca;  Mayor Brown, City of Brampton; Mayor Groves, Town of Caledon; and Mayor Crombie,  City of Mississauga, Regarding Immediate Assistance Required for Asylum Claimants  (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-824

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Chaired by Councillor C. Parrish or Vice-Chair Councillor M. Russo

(Related to 14.1) 

  • Resolution Number2023-825
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the comments and recommendations to the Province of Ontario as contained in Appendices I and II to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Prioritization of Housing Affordability Task Force Recommendations and Bill 134, Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023”, be endorsed; and
    2. That the subject report be forwarded to Peel-area Members of Provincial Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Town of Caledon, the City of Brampton, and the City of Mississauga.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

(Item now available) (Related to 13.3, 14.4 and 14.5)

  • Resolution Number2023-826
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the recommendations outlined in the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Response to Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 – Reversal of Provincial Decisions on Municipal Official Plans,” be endorsed; and
    2. That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to request that housekeeping or clarification modifications be retained through the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 and that transition provisions be provided for local official plans currently being reviewed by Peel; and
    3. That the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to prepare and submit estimates of additional costs incurred by the Region of Peel as a result of the Provincial Modifications to the Region of Peel Official Plan and any additional costs incurred since the Provincial Announcement on October 23, 2023; and
    4. That the subject report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Town of Caledon, the City of Brampton and the City of Mississauga.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Email dated October 26, 2023, Providing a Copy of a City of Mississauga Resolution and Report titled “ERO Posting 019-7669, Changes to the Definition of an “Affordable Residential Unit” in the Development Charges Act, 1997 for the Purpose of Municipal Development-Related Charge Discounts and Exemptions and Implications for the City of Mississauga” (Receipt recommended) (Related to 13.1)

  • Resolution Number2023-827

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated October 31, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Requesting a Ministerial Zoning Orders Review for the Lakeview Lands Located at 1082 Lakeshore Road East, City of Mississauga, Ward 1 (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-828

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated October 31, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Requesting a Ministerial Zoning Orders Review for 3355 Hurontario Street, City of Mississauga, Ward 4 (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-829

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 2, 2023, Regarding the Announcement Impacting Provincial Decisions on Municipal Official Plans/Official Plan Amendments (Receipt recommended) (Related to 13.2 and 14.5)

  • Resolution Number2023-830

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 16, 2023, Regarding the Proposed Legislation to Reverse Previous Decisions on Municipal Official Plans/Official Plan Amendments (Receipt recommended) (Related to 13.2 and 14.4)

  • Resolution Number2023-831

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated November 17, 2023, Regarding 2023 Revisions to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Administrative By-law (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-832

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Email dated November 24, 2023, Providing a Copy of a City of Mississauga  Resolution and Report titled “Employment Sites Review (SmartCentres Mixed  Use Proposals): Findings and Next Steps” (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-833

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Letter dated December 4, 2023, Providing Comments on behalf of the Owners and Prospective Purchasers for the Property Located at 4428 Old School Road, Town of Caledon (Related to 13.2) (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-834

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Chaired by Councillor C. Fonseca or Vice-Chair Councillor B. Butt

(Related to By-law 57-2023)

  • Resolution Number2023-835
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the 2024 interim Regional requisition be approved at a sum not to exceed 50 per cent of the 2023 tax levy to the Cities of Mississauga and Brampton and the Town of Caledon; and
    2. That the necessary by-law be presented for enactment.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

(For information)  

  • Resolution Number2023-837

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

(Related to By-law 58-2023)

  • Resolution Number2023-838
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That the amendments to By-law 1-2007 as generally outlined in the report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Amendments to the Records Retention By-law 1-2007,” be approved; and
    2. That the necessary amending by-law be presented for enactment.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

  • Resolution Number2023-839
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Government Relations Committee (GRC-3/2023) meeting held on October 19, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-840

That the agenda for the October 19, 2023 Government Relations Committee meeting, be approved.




5.1       Discussion led by Keith Medenblik, Manager, Strategic Public Policy and External Relations


Resolution Number 2023-841



6.1       Update on Peel Region Advocacy Priorities

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-842


(Related to By-law 59-2023)

  • Resolution Number2023-843
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Regional Council Policies and Procedures Committee (PPC-3/2023) meeting held on November 2, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-844

That the agenda for the November 2, 2023 Regional Council Policies and Procedures Committee meeting, be approved.



5.1       Use of an Alternate Member and Proxy at Regional Council Meetings

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-845


5.2       Administrative Amendments to Procedure By-law 27-2022


Resolution Number 2023-846

  1. That an administrative amendment be made to section 1.2.8 of the Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, to rename the Council Section of the Regional Council agendas from “Corporate Services” to “Corporate and Legislative Services”; and
  2. That the required amendment be made to the Terms of Reference for the Interim Period Approvals Committee.


5.3       Expressions of Sympathy – Council Recognition


Resolution Number 2023-847

  1. That the Corporate Policy attached as Appendix I to the report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the November 2, 2023 Regional Council Policies and Procedures Committee agenda titled “Expressions of Sympathy – Council Recognition”, be approved; and
  2. That a by-law to amend Procedure By-law 27-2022 be presented to Regional Council for enactment.


  • Resolution Number2023-848
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC-5/2023) meeting held on November 2, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-849

That the agenda for the November 2, 2023 Audit and Risk Committee meeting, be approved.



4.1       Trevor Ferguson, Partner, Audit and Assurance, Deloitte LLP

Regarding the 2023 Deloitte Audit Service Plan

Resolution Number 2023-850



5.1       Deloitte 2023 Audit Service Plan

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-851


5.2       Status of the 2023 Internal Audit Risk Based Work Plan

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-852


  • Resolution Number2023-853
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC-4/2023) meeting held on November 2, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-854

That the agenda for the November 2, 2023, Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting, be approved.



5.1       Peel Housing Corporation Accessibility Design Guidelines

(For information)

Presentation by Jeff Tang-Kong, Program Manager, Multi-Residential Asset Manager, and Hitesh Topiwala, Manager, Infrastructure Planning and Servicing, Peel Housing Corporation

Resolution Number 2023-855


5.2       2023 Accessibility Compliance Report – Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

(For information)

Presentation by Shauna Marshall, Manager, Marketing and Digital Communications, and Michail Karteros, Supervisor, Digital Marketing

Resolution Number 2023-856



5.3       Accessibility Planning Program Update – November 2, 2023

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-857


Email dated November 27, 2023, Regarding Sustainable and Timely Infrastructure Investments, Region of Peel’s Infrastructure Deficit, and the Impacts of High Inflation on Funding (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-858

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda. 

Chaired by Councillor M. Medeiros or Vice-Chair Councillor P. Fortini

  • Resolution Number2023-859
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the report of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee (WMSAC-5/2023) meeting held on October 19, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-860

That the agenda for the October 19, 2023 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting, be approved.



4.1       Rahul Mehta, Founder, Sustainable Mississauga and Co-Founder, Stop Sprawl Peel

Regarding Transition of the Blue Box Program and Residential Compost Sales at Community Recycling  Centres

Resolution Number 2023-861



5.1       Transition of the Blue Box Program to Full Producer Responsibility – October 2023 Update: Collection During Transition Period


Resolution Number 2023-862

That the Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to approve, and the Commissioner of Public Works or Director of Waste Management be authorized to execute amendments to the waste collection contracts with Halton Recycling Ltd. and Emterra Environmental and Waste Connections of Canada Inc. (Documents 2014-004T) and Miller Waste Systems Inc. (Document 2015-007T), to reflect the changes as generally described in the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, titled, “Transition of the Blue Box Program to Full Producer Responsibility – October 2023 Update: Collection During Transition Period”, including pricing adjustments, on a lump sum or unit price basis, and any further amendments that may be required in relation to transition, pursuant to the Blue Box regulation, in accordance with the Procurement By-law 45-2023 and on business terms acceptable to the Commissioner of Public Works and on legal terms acceptable to the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services.


5.2       Discontinuation of Residential Compost Sales at Community Recycling Centres


Resolution Number 2023-863

That the sale of compost at Peel’s Community Recycling Centres be permanently discontinued, effective January 2024.



7.1       Update on Source Separated Organics and Mixed Waste Processing Pilot Projects (Oral)

Resolution Number 2023-864




Items 7.1 to 7.3 inclusive were withdrawn under the Approval of Agenda, Resolution Number 2023-807.

Providing Information on the Continued Delivery of Life Saving Care within Regional Boundaries and the Urgent Action Required Through Peel’s Dissolution 

  • Resolution Number2023-865

Dave Wakely, President, Peel Paramedic Union OPSEU/SEFPO L277, provided an overview of Peel Paramedic services; their continued delivery of life saving care within regional boundaries through transition; and concerns regarding the uncertainty of dissolution, the shortage of paramedic staff in Ontario, hiring schedules and retention issues. The Delegate advised that without urgent action regarding the timing of dissolution, staff will move to other paramedic organizations and Peel Paramedic service delivery will be compromised. He requested that Regional Council take action to send a clear message to the Transition Board and the provincial government that the Paramedic Service must continue as a single provider of land ambulance services for the municipalities of Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding potential loss of service quality if Peel Paramedics does not remain whole; consequences of losing senior paramedic staff; effect on the health care system if paramedic services decline; delayed response times in high density growth areas; innovative ways to service the community in addition to staffing; and requests to add friendly amendments to include Public Health and Long Term Care workers in the proposed motion.

Councillor Russo requested to put the motion on the floor as presented, to address the urgency for Peel Paramedics.

Resolution Number 2023-866 Two Thirds Vote

Moved by Councillor Russo
Seconded by Councillor Parrish

That section 4.4.4 of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to permit consideration of a motion arising from a delegation.


Resolution Number 2023-867 Two Thirds Vote

Councillor Parrish moved to call the question.

In Favour (15): Councillor Butt, Councillor Dasko, Councillor Early, Councillor Fonseca, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Groves, Councillor Horneck, Councillor Kovac, Councillor Mahoney, Councillor McFadden, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Parrish, Councillor Reid, Councillor Russo and Councillor Tedjo       

Opposed (8): Councillor Brar, Councillor Brown, Councillor Damerla, Councillor Keenan, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Santos, Councillor Toor and Councillor Vicente

Abstain (1): Councillor Crombie* (Proxy J. Kovac)


Discussion continued regarding advocacy to support all front line workers at Peel Region and CUPE 966.

Resolution Number 2023-868

Moved by Councillor Russo
Seconded by Councillor Parrish

Whereas Bill 112, The Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution) 2023, legislates the dissolution of the Region of Peel on January 1, 2025;

And whereas, continuity of service delivery and maintaining the safety and wellbeing of Peel residents throughout Peel’s transition and into the future state is a critical priority;

And whereas, Peel Regional Paramedic Services, play a critical role in upholding public safety and wellbeing for Peel residents and provide high quality, life saving care in emergency situations;

And whereas, attrition or difficulty filling paramedic positions as a result of uncertainty related to the future state for paramedic services could have an immediate negative impact on the ability to meet the needs of Peel residents in often life threatening situations;

And whereas, the current service delivery model and deployment plan ensures optimal coverage while considering paramedic working conditions and amending this model risks longer response times to 911 health emergencies resulting in poorer health outcomes or avoidable deaths;

And whereas, a disruption in paramedic service delivery or a reduction in service levels associated with the division of resources would have negative health and safety impacts for the community and put Peel residents at risk;

Therefore, be it resolved that:

The Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write a letter to the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting confirmation that Peel Regional Paramedic Services will remain a single entity and continue to provide paramedic services across the current Peel geography.

In Favour (23): Councillor Brar, Councillor Brown, Councillor Butt, Councillor Damerla, Councillor Dasko, Councillor Early, Councillor Fonseca, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Groves, Councillor Horneck, Councillor Keenan, Councillor Kovac, Councillor Mahoney, Councillor McFadden, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Parrish, Councillor Reid, Councillor Russo, Councillor Santos, Councillor Tedjo, Councillor Toor, and Councillor Vicente

Abstain (1): Councillor Crombie* (Proxy J. Kovac)


Council recessed at 12:08 p.m.

Council reconvened at 12:15 p.m.

Item 7.10 was dealt with.

Regarding the Dissolution of Peel

  • Resolution Number2023-869

Sharon Mayne, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin, on behalf of Community Metamorphosis; and Sean Meagher, Executive Director, The Change Lab, provided an overview of concerns regarding the Bill 112 timeline. The delegates stated that there is a crisis in Peel regarding mental health, homelessness and housing, youth services, addiction, family and intimate partner violence and seniors’ support; a coherent community services plan is needed regardless of the final governance model; and that chronic underfunding from the provincial government to Peel Region must be rectified.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the need for a coherent system regardless of the governance model in Peel; the need for a systems approach with support and funding from all levels of government; challenges presented by rapid population growth; addition of services at the municipal level that should be funded by the provincial government; and the delegates continued advocacy to upper levels of government.

Council recessed at 12:47 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1:22 p.m.

Regarding the 2024-2051 Portion of the Budget Related to Affordable Housing and Plans for Refugees, Emigrants and Immigrants
(Presentation now available)

  • Resolution Number2023-870

    Referred to PAMA

Keba Tamara Thomas, Resident, City of Brampton, provided comments regarding an integrated eco-favouring community in Peel Region; the Britannia Farmhouse property; Peel’s involvement in the development of Circular Cities; and school house history of first nations and African descendants and the invisibility of historic accounts in Peel. She requested that Council consider truth and reconciliation when establishing new communities and proposed the need for an Indigenous and African Heritage Museum.

Councillor Palleschi requested that the delegation be referred to PAMA staff for review, to report back at a future time.

Regarding Phase 2 of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review: Consideration of Potential Employment Area Conversions Results
(Related to 13.3) (Revised presentation)

  • Resolution Number2023-871

Harbinder Khangura, Resident, City of Mississauga, Ward 10, provided an overview of Ontario’s 2031 housing targets; the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) conversion criteria; a petition of over 1800 signatures indicating the community’s opposition to the Site 1 Conversion; concerns regarding Smart Centres’ lack of public engagement; and requested that Council vote against the conversion of Site 1.

Regarding Phase 2 of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review: Consideration of Potential Employment Area Conversions Results
(Related to 13.3) (Revised presentation)

  • Resolution Number2023-872

Sean Ramitt, Resident, City of Mississauga, Ward 10, provided an overview of the community’s opposition to the MCR Site 1 Conversion; studies regarding the future of retail and changing trends; retail and current growth initiatives in the subject area (Mississauga, Ward 10); a summary of market analysis findings; and a request that Council vote against the conversion of Site 1.

Item 7.9 was dealt with.

Regarding Phase 2 of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review: Consideration of Potential Employment Area Conversions Results
(Related to 13.3)

  • Resolution Number2023-873

Victoria McCrum, Senior Development Manager, SmartCentres and Christine Fang-Denissov, Planner, Urban Strategies, provided an overview of the SmartCentres’ working process with local and Regional staff, Councillors and the public; and stated their support for the staff recommendation in the report listed as item 13.3 on the December 2023, Council meeting agenda. The delegates advised that the Hemson land needs assessment is expected to be completed by March 2024.

The delegates requested that if the result of the land needs assessment supports the site conversions, that 1) Regional Council direct staff to finalize the Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) for the conversion of Sites 1 and 2 by the third quarter (Q3) of 2024; and 2) that Regional Council direct staff to initiate the master planning process for Site 1 in the spring of 2024.  

In response to questions of clarification, the Chief Planner advised that staff would report to Council in the spring of 2024 once the Hemson work is completed. She stated that the report would advise on a draft ROPA and ask for direction to consult with the public, as required through the Planning Act. Staff would then come back with a recommendation report by September, 2024.

In response to a question of clarification, the Chief Planner provided an overview of the purpose of the second round of public consultations, which are required if Peel proceeds with a ROPA to convert the lands from employment to a non-employment use.

Regarding the Urgency and the Problem of Homelessness as the Winter Months Approach

  • Resolution Number2023-874

Margaret Ramsay, Advocacy Co-chair, The Compass Food Bank, provided an overview of The Compass and its clients; the Feed Ontario Report 2023; the role of food banks in protecting against homelessness; lack of capacity at community organizations including The Compass Food Bank and Outreach Centre, Agape Place Peel, and the Clarkson Community Church, due to high demand; and provided recommendations regarding legal protection for tenants, rent control, and vacancy decontrol.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the percentage of Peel’s monthly shelter costs paid from reserves; clarification on 2023 and 2024 funds required to support asylum seekers and the status of funds to be received from the federal government; asylum seekers; and a potential allocation rather than application based program from the federal government to support asylum seekers in Peel.


Item 20.1 was dealt with.

(As requested by Councillor Palleschi) (Revised Motion)

  • Resolution Number2023-875
    Moved byCouncillor Palleschi
    Seconded byCouncillor Mahoney

    Whereas Bill 112 the Hazel McCallion Act legislates the dissolution of the Region of Peel on January 1, 2025;

    And whereas, by transferring its services to the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon, each municipality needs to assess the debt and liabilities of the Region of Peel to ensure a full understanding of any debts or liabilities that may be transferred to the lower tier municipalities;

    And whereas, it is understood that the Region of Peel is currently undertaking negotiations and contracts that ensure continuity of services for 2024;

    And whereas, contracts entered into by the Region of Peel moving forward may have an adverse impact on the long-term financial sustainability of the municipalities of Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga;

    Therefore, be it resolved:

    That the City of Brampton, City of Mississauga, and Town of Caledon be provided the authority to observe negotiations and access to contract details on any in progress or future contracts that are material, being undertaken by the Region of Peel during the dissolution process, in advance of the dissolution of the Region on January 1, 2025.


Councillor Palleschi advised that the motion includes a minor revision as requested by the Chief Administrative Officer.

Councillor Brar assumed the Chair.




  • Resolution Number2023-876
  • Resolution Number2023-877 Two Thirds Vote
    Moved byCouncillor Brar
    Seconded byCouncillor Santos

    That section 5.12.2 of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to permit consideration of a motion without previous notice.

    In Favour (12)Councillor Brar, Councillor Brown, Councillor Early, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Groves, Councillor Keenan, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Russo, Councillor Santos, Councillor Toor, and Councillor Vicente
    Opposed (12)Councillor Butt, Councillor Crombie* (Proxy J. Kovac), Councillor Damerla, Councillor Dasko, Councillor Fonseca, Councillor Horneck, Councillor Kovac, Councillor Mahoney, Councillor McFadden, Councillor Parrish, Councillor Reid, and Councillor Tedjo

Dr. Kate Bingham, Acting Medical Officer of Health (MOH) advised that it is the responsibility of the Medical Officer of Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, to report directly to Regional Council as Peel’s Board of Health on issues related to public health concerns, programs and services. As Acting MOH, Dr. Bingham provided an update to ensure that Regional Council, as the Board, is aware of the current state of Public Health in Peel and the risks of service disruption and impacts on health that Regional dissolution presents on the current timeline. Dr. Bingham advised that her summary and assessment reflect the consensus of Peel’s Public Health senior leadership team and multiple discussions with the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Dr. Bingham provided an overview of the current state of Public Health in Ontario and Peel and impacts from the pandemic.  She advised that Public Health’s (PH’s) remobilization of programs has been paced intentionally through to the end of 2024, however, further disruptions could impact PH’s capacity to restart much needed programs and address service backlogs. The Acting MOH advised that PH has at least 200 unplanned positions as of October that need to be filled for 2023; there are many new leaders in place; and there are lower levels of employee health and wellbeing after the pandemic. PH continues to experience hiring challenges due to competition with all other positions within health care, attrition and leaves of absences. Dr. Bingham advised that the timing of Regional dissolution is occurring at a challenging point in time in order to ensure that Public Health is robust and resilient, and to safely and successfully transition the program to any new state.

Dr. Bingham provided an overview of her concerns regarding the current Transition Board process and timeline. She advised that even with the least disruptive scenario for PH, maintaining Peel’s current geography and changing the governance structure, 12 months is a short timeline to ensure that time sensitive critical PH functions can continue uninterrupted 24/7, especially as the Acting MOH does not have direct control over corporate and provincial supports that are critical to PH’s work.

Dr. Bingham advised that she has been directed to plan for separation of Public Health into at least two entities, however, it is her professional opinion that it is not possible to do this without significant risk to the community and without service disruptions, on the current timeline. The Acting MOH advised that PH would need clear provincial direction, as soon as possible, and would need to reduce many services to focus entirely on the most critical time sensitive functions. She advised that there are significant dependencies outside of the MOH’s direct control.

Dr. Bingham provided an overview of the impact of dissolution on PH’s recovery and rebuilding of programs that had been impacted by the pandemic, including the process of re-establishing good practices in establishments across Peel that were not an immediate priority in the pandemic;  a three year plan to establish a new immunization services division as the massive mass vaccination program has been demobilized; catch up for immunizations that are delivered in schools, as well as screening and enforcement requirements under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA); and multiple years of work to address the backlogs that have been created by the pandemic.

Dr. Bingham advised that as the Acting MOH, Council and the Board of Health have charged her with delivering on the Ontario Public Health Standards. When the Standards are at risk or cannot be achieved, the MOH must ensure the Board is aware of the reasons. In addition to a collective responsibility, health professionals within public health have their professional and ethical responsibility to consider and that may be directly or indirectly related to the disruption in Public Health services. The MOH advised that she is being asked to plan for a transition that she cannot endorse, and she cannot hold professional and ethical liability for a process that she does not control and that is not an emergency.

The Acting MOH advised Council that she and Peel’s senior leadership team must ensure there is clear and transparent documentation around dissolution planning for Public Health, including that in participating for planning for various scenarios, as directed, we must clearly state the risks and that they are not necessarily our recommendation as currently outlined, and within the constraints that have been presented to us. The Acting MOH advised that the current timeline, the requirement for no service disruptions, and an acceptable degree of risk and impact to the community, the MOH and her staff, cannot be achieved all at once for Public Health.

In response to a question of clarification, the Regional Chair confirmed that the MOH’s concerns had been presented to the Transition Board at a meeting with the Regional Chair, the Chief Administrative Officer, the Commissioner of Health Services and the Acting Medical Officer of Health.  

Councillor Santos requested to put a motion on the floor to write a letter to the provincial government to advocate to keep Peel Public Health intact.

At the request of Councillor Parrish, roll call was taken and a quorum of members was confirmed.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding time sensitive critical functions of PH; the need for better updates from the province, Transition Board and senior officials regarding Peel dissolution; the lack of provincial response to the motions of advocacy; and a request that motions regarding Peel dissolution be brought forward with a notice of motion to a future meeting.

Regional Chair Iannicca resumed the Chair to permit Councillor Brar to move the motion as requested by Councillor Santos.

The Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk answered questions of clarification regarding the proper procedure to place the motion on the floor.

Councillor Parrish assumed the Chair.



(Related to 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 13.2 and 14.8)

  • Resolution Number2023-878
    Moved byCouncillor Horneck
    Seconded byCouncillor Butt
    1. That the findings outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Phase 2 of the Peel 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review: Consideration of Potential Employment Area Conversions Results”, be endorsed; and
    2. That staff be directed to undertake the next steps outlined in the subject report and report back to Regional Council with a recommendation on a Regional Official Plan Amendment to consider removing Site 1 and the western portion of Site 2 in the City of Mississauga, as well as the Dry Industrial lands in the Bolton GO Station Area of the Town of Caledon, from the “Employment Area” designation on Schedule E-4 of the Region of Peel Official Plan; and
    3. That a copy of the subject report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, City of Brampton, Town of Caledon and City of Mississauga for information.

The Chief Planner advised that staff agree with the first request from the related SmartCentres delegation listed as Item 7.9 on the December 7, 2023 Council agenda. However staff have concerns with the second SmartCentres request for a commitment from the City of Mississauga to start their detailed master planning once the Regional staff report is brought forward to Regional Council in the spring of 2024, as Regional Council cannot direct local municipal staff.

Councillor Parrish advised that the delegates could make the request to the City of Mississauga Council.

Regional Chair Iannicca resumed the Chair.

Councillor Fonseca assumed the Chair.



Letter dated December 6, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Transition Board Requesting an Extension of the Public Comment Period (Direction required)

  • Resolution Number2023-879

The Regional Chair undertook to make a request to the Transition Board to extend the period of public comment on the Province of Ontario web page ( regarding Peel dissolution, from the December 11, 2023 deadline to January 8, 2024.

(As requested by Councillor Medeiros)

Referred to the Regional Council Policies and Procedures Committee under the Approval of Agenda, Resolution Number 2023-807.

19.2     Update Regarding Negotiations with Local 966

            Resolution Number 2023-880


In response to a request from Councillor Parrish, the Chief Administrative Officer provided an update on negotiations with Local 966, advising that Peel is currently in negotiations with 12 contracts and meetings will resume next week.



(As requested by Councillor Santos) (Revised motion)

  • Resolution Number2023-881
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Fonseca

    Whereas financial and affordability pressures related to soaring mortgage and rent costs, inflated grocery costs, stagnating wages, and limited avenues for social assistance have pushed significantly more people toward food insecurity;

    And whereas, people with fixed incomes, including seniors and students, continue to struggle disproportionately as their dollars are being spread thinner;

    And whereas, challenges are also continuing to grow for working people, renters, and people living in remote and northern regions of Canada;

    And whereas, racialized Canadians are disproportionately impacted by each of these factors, as the systemic barriers they face have been further exacerbated by the economic and affordability crisis of the past few years;

    And whereas, foodbanks were established as a temporary solution to the increasing cost of food and needs in the community but are now part of a system that government and communities heavily and increasingly rely on;

    And whereas, it has been a full year since Food Banks Canada sounded the alarms in the HungerCount 2022 report, calling for action to be taken immediately to help the millions of struggling Canadians from coast to coast to coast;

    And whereas, the latest Food Banks Canada report from March 2023, indicates that nearly 2 million Canadians accessed food banks across the country, a 32 per cent increase from March 2022 and a 78.5 per cent increase from March 2019, which is the highest year-over-year increase in usage ever reported;

    And whereas, the “Emergency Food Security Fund” was established to address urgent needs during the pandemic but food insecurity has only worsened, and the federal government no longer has a program to ongoingly provide support to Food Banks;

    And whereas, the majority of support received by foodbanks is through community fundraising and donations but given financial pressures faced by individuals, these donations are declining;

    And whereas, in certain communities, people who were donating to food banks are now instead accessing the food bank;

    And whereas, one in four foodbanks worry they will need to pause or reduce service due to lack of resources;

    And whereas, although not within municipal jurisdiction, municipalities like the Region of Peel in its motion passed at the Regional Council Budget meeting held on November 30, 2023 (Resolution RCB-2023-110) are doing their part to address food insecurity faced by the community;

    And whereas, the need to address the food insecurity crisis touches on many of FCM’s focus areas, more specifically “Inclusive Communities: Canada works better when everyone can achieve their potential. We help build inclusive communities that ease the economic and social barriers people face in their everyday lives.”

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) be requested, through resolution at its upcoming Board Meeting and AGM, to advocate the federal government to help address the food insecurity crisis by providing emergency funding to foodbanks.


Councillor Santos requested that the resolution be submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities before January 8, 2024 to meet the deadline for resolutions to be considered by the Board.



Three Readings

  • Resolution Number2023-882
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Fonseca

    That the by-laws listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda, being By-laws 57-2023 to 59-2023 inclusive, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


A by-law to requisition from the lower-tier municipalities a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of the amount that in By-law 16-2023 was to be raised in each lower-tier municipality, before the adoption of the final Regional estimates for the year 2024.
(Related to 15.1)

A by-law to amend By-law 1-2007, titled the “Records Retention By-law”.
(Related to 15.4)

A by-law to amend the Region of Peel Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, being a by-law to govern the calling, place and proceedings of the meetings of Council and its committees and the conduct of its members.
(Related to 15.6)

November 23, 2023 Regional Council Closed Session Report

  • Resolution Number2023-883

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Information Sharing Protocol


(Advice that as subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose)

  • Resolution Number2023-884
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the closed session direction to the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, contained within the closed session report listed as Item 22.2 on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda, be approved and voted upon in accordance with Section 239(6)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.00 – Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-885
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That commencement of expropriation proceedings regarding the Mayfield Road Widening project for the acquisition of the lands set out in Appendix I to the Closed Session report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.00 – Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5” be approved; and
    2. That the necessary by-law, including the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land attached as Schedules B and C to the by-law, for the lands as set out in Appendix I to the subject report, be presented for enactment; and
    3. That following service and publication of the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land, the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and recommendation of any hearing of necessity be reported to Regional Council for its consideration and decision as the approving authority under the Expropriations Act; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Property Acquisition – Intersection Improvements at Airport Road and Williams Parkway – EXP-23029.01 - City of Brampton, Ward 8


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-886
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That The Regional Municipality of Peel, as Purchaser, enter into an Agreement with Crestpoint Real Estate (Willcar) Inc., as Vendor, pursuant to Sections 24 and 30 of the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, in accordance with the terms set out in the Closed Session report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Proposed Property Acquisition – Intersection Improvements at Airport Road and Williams Parkway – EXP-23029.01 – City of Brampton, Ward 8”, and on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor for the purchase of:
      • A fee simple interest in the lands described as Part of Block 2, Registered Plan 43M-876, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 43R-40640; and
      • A permanent easement interest in the lands described as Part of Block 2, Registered Plan 43M-876, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Parts 12, 13 and 15 on Reference Plan 43R-40640; and
      • A temporary working easement interest in the lands described as Part of Block 2, Registered Plan 43M-876, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Parts 11, 12, 13 and 14 on Reference Plan 43R-40640; and
    2. That the Regional Solicitor be authorized to complete the transaction, including the execution of all documents, Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Undertakings and extensions required or appropriate for that purpose; and
    3. That the expenditure be financed from Capital Project 09-4245; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Steeles Avenue Widening – EXP-20041.00 – Chinguacousy Road to Mississauga Road – City of Brampton, Wards 4 and 6


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-887
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That commencement of expropriation proceedings regarding the Steeles Avenue Widening project for the acquisition of the lands set out in Appendix I to the Closed Session report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Steeles Avenue Widening – EXP-20041.00 – Chinguacousy Road to Mississauga Road – City of Brampton, Wards 4 and 6” be approved; and
    2. That the necessary by-law, including the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land attached as Schedules B and C to the by-law, for the lands as set out in Appendix I to the subject report, be presented for enactment; and
    3. That following service and publication of the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land, the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and recommendation of any hearing of necessity be reported to Regional Council for its consideration and decision as the approving authority under the Expropriations Act; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Steeles Avenue Widening – EXP-20041.08 – Chinguacousy Road to Mississauga Road – City of Brampton, Wards 4 and 6


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-888
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That commencement of expropriation proceedings regarding the Steeles Avenue Widening project for the acquisition of the lands set out in Appendix I to the Closed Session report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Steeles Avenue Widening – EXP-20041.08 – Chinguacousy Road to Mississauga Road – City of Brampton, Wards 4 and 6” be approved; and
    2. That the necessary by-law, including the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land attached as Schedules B and C to the by-law, for the lands as set out in Appendix I to the subject report, be presented for enactment; and
    3. That following service and publication of the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land, the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and recommendation of any hearing of necessity be reported to Regional Council for its consideration and decision as the approving authority under the Expropriations Act; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings - Mayfield Road Widening - EXP-23162.00 - Dixie Road to Bramalea road - Town of Caledon, Ward 2


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-889
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros
    1. That commencement of expropriation proceedings regarding the Mayfield Road Widening project for the acquisition of the lands as set out in Appendix I to the Closed Session report of the Regional Solicitor and Commissioner of Legislative Services, listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Commencement of Expropriation Proceedings – Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-23162.00 – Dixie Road to Bramalea Road – Town of Caledon, Ward 2” be approved; and
    2. That the necessary by-law, including the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and the Notices of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land attached as Schedules B and C to the by-law, for the lands as set out in Appendix I to the subject report, be presented for enactment; and
    3. That following service and publication of the Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land, the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land and recommendation of any hearing of necessity be reported to Regional Council for its consideration and decision as the approving authority under the Expropriations Act; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Bill 112 – Continuation of Resources to Support Staff Wellbeing


(Labour relations and employee negotiations)

  • Resolution Number2023-890
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney
    Seconded byCouncillor Medeiros

    That the closed session direction to the to the Chief Administrative Officer, contained within the closed session report listed as Item 22.8 on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda, be approved and voted upon in accordance with Section 239(6)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.


This item was dealt with under the consent agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-891
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    That the closed session by-laws listed on the December 7, 2023 Regional Council agenda, being By-laws 60-2023 to 63-2023 inclusive, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.

  • Resolution Number2023-892
    Moved byCouncillor Parrish
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo

    That By-law 65-2023 to confirm the proceedings of Regional Council at its meeting held on December 7, 2023, and to authorize the execution of documents in accordance with the Region of Peel by-laws relating thereto, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


The meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m.

No Item Selected