Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • N.K. Brar
  • P. Brown
  • B. Butt
  • D. Damerla
  • S. Dasko
  • C. Early
  • C. Fonseca
  • P. Fortini
  • A. Groves
  • J. Horneck
  • N. Iannicca
  • D. Keenan
  • J. Kovac
  • M. Mahoney*
  • S. McFadden
  • M. Medeiros
  • M. Palleschi
  • C. Parrish
  • M. Reid
  • M. Russo
  • R. Santos
  • A. Tedjo
  • G.S. Toor
  • P. Vicente
Members Absent:
  • B. Crombie* (Proxy M. Mahoney)
Staff Present:
  • G. Kent, Chief Administrative Officer
  • P. Caza, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • J. Zingaro, Regional Solicitor
  • T. Buonpensiero, Acting Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Development Services
  • K. Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works
  • S. Baird, Commissioner of Human Services
  • N. Polsinelli, Commissioner of Health Services
  • Dr. N. Brandon, Acting Medical Officer of Health
  • A. Adams, Regional Clerk and Director of Legislative Services
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • H. Gill, Legislative Technical Advisor
  • S. Jurrius, Legislative Specialist
  • S. MacGregor, Legislative Technical Coordinator
  • D. Rai, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Regional Chair Iannicca called the meeting of Regional Council to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton.

Councillor Crombie was absent due to other municipal business

Regional Chair Iannicca read an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.

  • Resolution Number2023-470
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Tedjo

    That the minutes of the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting, be approved.

  • Resolution Number2023-471
    Moved byCouncillor Reid
    Seconded byCouncillor Vicente
    1. That the agenda for the June 22, 2023 Regional Council meeting include an email from Gagandeep Jaswal, Legislative Assistant, City of Brampton, providing a copy of a Letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Brampton Members of Provincial Parliament and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Regarding Bill 97, Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 to be dealt with under Items Related to Planning and Growth Management - Item 10.3; and
    2. That the agenda for the June 22, 2023 Regional Council meeting be approved, as amended.
  • Resolution Number2023-472
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the following matters listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council Agenda be approved under the Consent Agenda: Items 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.10, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 22.1 and 22.3.



Email dated June 9, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Regarding Bill 97, Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-473

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated June 15, 2023, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Iannicca, Regarding Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 and its Impact on the Region of Peel (Resolution 2022-828) (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-474

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated June 20, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Brampton Members of Provincial Parliament and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Regarding Bill 97, Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Receipt recommended)

  • Resolution Number2023-475

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 11.1 and 11.3)

  • Resolution Number2023-476
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the 2023 Housing Support gross expenditures and revenues be increased by $8,773,500 as a result of the additional Homelessness Prevention Program funding with no net impact to the Region.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(For information) 

  • Resolution Number2023-478

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to By-law 33-2023)

  • Resolution Number2023-479
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the Document Execution By-law 32-2017 be amended to grant delegated authority to the Commissioner of Public Works or the Director responsible for the program, to enter into all documents and agreements necessary to permit encroachments in Regional roads, including tie-backs and crane swings; and
    2. That the necessary by-law to amend the Document Execution By-law 32-2017 be presented for enactment.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-480
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the fee simple interest in lands described as Part of Lot 17, Concession 8, Northern Division, (geographic Township of Toronto Gore) City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 43R-39476, be declared surplus to the needs of The Regional Municipality of Peel and transferred gratuitously to The Corporation of the City of Brampton; and
    2. That the Regional Solicitor be authorized to complete any and all transactions, including the execution of all agreements, documents, affidavits, statutory declarations, and undertakings required for the property included in this report; and
    3. That a copy of the report from the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled "Proposed Surplus and Transfer of Region Owned Lands to The Corporation of the City of Brampton, Located at the Southwest Intersection of Mayfield Road and McVean Drive - City of Brampton, Ward 10", be forwarded to The Corporation of the City of Brampton for information purposes.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-481
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That The Regional Municipality of Peel, as Licensor, enter into an Amending Agreement with Illumi Productions Inc., as Licensee, to extend the non-exclusive use of parking spaces at 7120 Hurontario Street, Mississauga (Ward 5) as set out in the License Agreement dated September 12, 2022, to permit an increase in the Occupancy Period for Illumi Productions Inc.’s operating hours and use of the parking area from June 29, 2023 to September 13, 2023, on business terms satisfactory to the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, and on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor; and
    2. That the Manager, Real Property and Facility Acquisitions, Real Estate, be delegated authority to execute the Amending Agreement.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to By-law 34-2023) 

  • Resolution Number2023-482
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the report of the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMPC-1/2023) meeting held on June 1, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-483

That Councillor Butt be elected Chair of the Emergency Management Program Committee, for a 24-month term or until a successor is appointed.



Resolution Number 2023-484

That Councillor McFadden be elected as Vice-Chair of the Emergency Management Program Committee for a 24-month term or until a successor is appointed.




Resolution Number 2023-485

That the agenda for the June 1, 2023 Emergency Management Program Committee meeting, be approved.



6.1       2022 Regional Fire Coordinator’s Report

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-486


6.2       Delivery of Ontario’s Senior and Elected Official’s Workshop

Presentation by Andrew Cooper, Manager, Regional Emergency Management

Resolution Number 2023-487



Resolution Number 2023-488

  1. That staff be directed to coordinate the delivery of Emergency Management Ontario’s Senior and Elected Officials Workshop during the third or fourth weeks of January 2024; and
  2. That an update on the Emergency Management Ontario’s Senior and Elected Officials Workshop be provided at the October 5, 2023 Emergency Management Program Committee meeting.


6.3       Peel Emergency Plan

Presentation by Andrew Cooper, Manager, Regional Emergency Management

Resolution Number 2023-489



Resolution Number 2023-490

  1.  That the Peel Emergency Plan, attached as Appendix I to the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 1, 2023 Emergency Management Program Committee agenda titled “Peel Emergency Plan” be approved; and
  2.  That a By-law to adopt the Peel Emergency Plan and continue the Regional Emergency Management Program be presented to Regional Council for enactment.

6.4       Overview of the Regional Emergency Management Program

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-491


6.5      Overview of the Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-492


6.6       9-1-1 Annual Report - 2022

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-493


(For information) 

  • Resolution Number2023-494

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to By-law 35-2023) 

  • Resolution Number2023-495
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the amendments to Peel Region’s Traffic By-law 15-2013 as outlined in the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Peel Region Traffic By-law 15-2013 Amendments”, be approved; and
    2. That the necessary amending by-law be presented for enactment.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-497
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the Contract (Document 2019-024T) for Archaeological Assessments, awarded to Aecom Canada Ltd., in the amount of $1,968,171.60 be increased in the amount of $500,000.00, for a total commitment of $2,468,171.60 (excluding applicable taxes), in accordance with Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended; and
    2. That the Director of Procurement be authorized to approve any further contract increases with the service provider during the contract term, should the artifact count warrant additional investigation, subject to satisfactory performance, price and approved budget, all in accordance with Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated June 5, 2023, Regarding Notification of Consultation Pursuant to Section 34 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 for the Proposed Amendments to Credit Valley-Toronto and Region-Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan and Assessment Reports (Toronto and Region, Credit Valley, Nottawasaga Valley) (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-498

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 15.1)

  • Resolution Number2023-500
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the Commissioner of Health Services be delegated authority to utilize the COVID-19 Recovery Reserve to secure the necessary resources to stabilize programs impacted by the pandemic and ensure continuity of essential front-line services with an estimated total cost of $21.6 million in 2024. 


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 7.4)

  • Resolution Number2023-501
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the Commissioner of Human Services be authorized on behalf of the Region of Peel to enter into a 16-month agreement with the Canadian Red Cross Society for the term beginning August 22, 2023 in a legal form that is satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor, to provide Preparedness Services, Core Response Services, and Volunteer Management; and
    2. That the contract (Document 2023-334N) for the provision of Preparedness Services, Core Response Services, and Volunteer Management, be awarded to the Canadian Red Cross Society in the estimated amount of $177,256.67 for a 16-month term, all in accordance with Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 7.4)

  • Resolution Number2023-502
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That a commitment to the state of good repair needs across the community housing system in Peel, as outlined in the report from the Commissioner of Human Services, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Housing State of Good Repair Needs and Funding Gaps”  be supported; and
    2. That Peel Housing Corporation request grants to fund future capital repair requirements through the annual Peel Region Housing Support budget.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(Related to 7.4 and By-law 36-2023)

  • Resolution Number2023-503
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That in accordance with section 110 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Region of Peel’s Municipal Housing Facility By-law 49-2020, a site-specific by-law be enacted, as described in the report of the Commissioner of Human Services, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Peel Affordable Rental Incentives Program Update and 2022 Results”, to permit The Regional Municipality of Peel to enter into a municipal housing project facilities agreement with Canahahns Company Limited, and/or any entity related to or affiliated with the foregoing, for the provision of municipal housing project facilities at the property located at 2340 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga, for use as affordable housing; and
    2. That the Regional Clerk provide written notice of the site-specific by-law to the Minister of Finance in accordance with section 110(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended; and
    3. That a new reserve R1159 “Affordable Housing Incentives” be established to track and facilitate grants provided through the Council endorsed Peel Affordable Rental Incentives Program and other affordable housing incentives programs and initiatives that may be authorized by Council; and
    4. That the funding of the Affordable Housing Incentives reserve be provided through the redeployment of the $7.5 million in annual grant funding for affordable housing incentives approved through the 2023 Housing Budget to an annual contribution to the reserve.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.


Regarding the Provincial Adequacy Standards Regulation 

  • Resolution Number2023-504
  • Resolution Number2023-505 - Two-Thirds Vote
    Moved byCouncillor Parrish
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    That section 4.4.4 of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to permit consideration of a motion arising from a delegation.

  • Resolution Number2023-506
    Moved byCouncillor Parrish
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write a letter to the Premier of Ontario to request immediate confirmation that the Peel Regional Police remain as a single entity and the Ontario Provincial Police Caledon Detachment remain as a single entity, beyond the dissolution of the Region of Peel - funding formula to be determined at a future date.

    In Favour (16)Councillor Crombie* (Proxy M. Mahoney), Councillor Damerla, Councillor Dasko, Councillor Fonseca, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Groves, Councillor Kovac, Councillor Mahoney*, Councillor McFadden, Councillor Parrish, Councillor Early, Councillor Russo, Councillor Tedjo, Councillor Horneck, Councillor Reid, and Councillor Butt
    Opposed (8)Councillor Brown, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Santos, Councillor Vicente, Councillor Toor, Councillor Keenan, and Councillor Brar
  • Resolution Number2023-507 - Two-Thirds Vote
    Moved byCouncillor Brown
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That section 4.4.4 of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to permit consideration of a motion arising from a delegation.

  • Resolution Number2023-508
    Moved byCouncillor Brown
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write a letter to the Minister of Public Safety to request sufficient investment in Canadian Border Services Agency resources to properly safeguard Canadian ports from auto thefts.


Nishan Duraiappah, Chief of Police, Peel Regional Police (PRP), provided the PRP 2023 progress report update including PRP’s commitment to a strategic approach; guiding philosophy regarding the Community Safety and Well-being framework; progress of priorities; employee statistics; infrastructure required to support community growth; and technology and innovation progress.

The Chief of Police answered questions of clarification regarding call volumes; gender-based and intimate partner violence; auto theft and prevention measures; traffic calming and speed enforcement; benefits of officer visibility in the community; and provided an update on budget approved staff recruitment.

Item 7.5 was dealt with.

Regarding the Ride for Raja 2023

  • Resolution Number2023-509

Navdeep Gill, President, Mandeep Singh Cheema Charitable Foundation, provided an overview of the Foundation and its purpose to support children in the community. The delegate advised that the Ride for Raja event will take place on June 24, 2023 and invited all motor cycle riders in Peel Region to attend. The delegate requested that Council Members assist by posting the event information through social media.

Item 7.3 was dealt with.

Requesting that Peel Region Declare Intimate-Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence an Epidemic

  • Resolution Number2023-510
  • Resolution Number2023-511 - Two-Thirds Vote
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Brar

    That section 4.4.4 of Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, be waived to permit consideration of a motion arising from a delegation.

  • Resolution Number2023-512
    Moved byCouncillor Santos
    Seconded byCouncillor Brar

    Whereas Renfrew County delivered 86 recommendations in a unanimous verdict on the deaths of three local women, who were killed by their former partner on a single morning in 2015;

    And whereas, these 86 recommendations speak to oversight and accountability, system approaches, collaboration and communication, funding, education and training, measures addressing perpetrators of intimate partner violence, intervention, and safety;

    And whereas, the number one recommendation put forward is to have the provincial government formally declare intimate partner violence as an epidemic;

    And whereas, a woman or girl is killed every 48 hours in Canada by an act of violence;

    And whereas, femicide continues to take place in Peel Region, with the most recent one taking place on May 19th when Davinder Kaur was killed in a Brampton park by her husband;

    And whereas, many of the inquiry’s recommendations are either applicable to or could be adapted to the municipal or regional level of government;

    And whereas, Peel Region has formally acknowledged family violence and intimate-partner violence a key area of focus in the Peel Community Safety and Well-being Plan;

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    1.  That Peel Region declare intimate partner violence and gender-based violence an epidemic; and
    2.  That the Regional Chair, on behalf of Regional Council, write to the Premier and the Minister of Health in support of the creation of provincial legislation to address family violence and requesting that intimate partner violence be formally declared an epidemic in Ontario; and
    3.  That the declaration of the epidemic be included as part of the Region’s fourth annual awareness campaign on gender-based violence/intimate partner violence and in our advocacy for support to federal and provincial governments including the upcoming AMO conference.

Rebecca Pacheco, Public Education and Community Collaboration Coordinator, Embrave Agency to End Violence and the Peel Committee Against Women Abuse (PCAWA), provided an overview of the Embrave Agency and PCAWA. The delegate requested that Peel Region Declare Intimate-Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence an Epidemic.

Councillor Santos requested that the motion be revised to include that the declaration of the epidemic be included as part of Peel's fourth annual awareness campaign on gender-based violence/intimate partner violence and for advocacy to the federal and provincial governments.

Item 7.4 was dealt with.

Regarding Housing Services Reports Listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council Agenda (Related to 17.1 to 17.3 inclusive)

  • Resolution Number2023-513

Michelle Bilek, Community Member, Peel Poverty Action Group, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness, stated her concerns regarding the lack of low-cost rental housing; the many compounding and complex factors that contribute to the cause; and the need to aggressively increase the supply of affordable and deeply affordable housing. She proposed seven solutions for Council’s consideration and for advocacy to other levels of government.

Item 7.2 was dealt with.

Presenting the 2023 Mid-Year Update  

  • Resolution Number2023-514

Quentin Hanchard, Chief Administrative Officer, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and John MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), presented the Conservation Authorities’ 2023 mid-year update including an overview of prioritized projects and programs; the ongoing Memorandum of Understanding approvals; and next steps. The delegates highlighted the importance of working with Peel and its local municipalities on the transition to 2025 to ensure there are no gaps in the services provided by the TRCA and CVC to continue to build livable safe communities and protect the watershed.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the important work of the conservation authorities to protect the environment; key priorities and level of service during the transition to 2025; level of funding for land management, watershed and greenspaces; climate change and flood mitigation; and the Jim Tovey Conservation Area.

Council recessed at 12:39 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1:04 p.m.



(Related to 11.2 and 11.3) 

  • Resolution Number2023-515
    Moved byCouncillor Horneck
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves
    1. That the 2024-2027 Business Plan and 2024 Budget (2024 Budget) be developed to ensure the long-term sustainability of services, as outlined in the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Approach to the Development of the 2024 Budget”; and
    2. That staff work together and with the external agencies to develop 2024 budgets reflecting the direction outlined in the subject report; and
    3. That the timelines for the 2024 Budget deliberations as outlined in Appendix I of the subject report be approved; and
    4. That the Region of Peel continue to advocate to the Province to ensure that funding for mandated programs keep pace with the elevated price levels expected for 2024.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the approach and development of the 2024 budget in alignment with the principles to maintain Regional services through the transition period; property tax; police budget; housing and infrastructure levy; continued communication with employees during the transition period; and Peel’s current debt, including the annual principal/interest.

  • Resolution Number2023-516
    Moved byCouncillor Tedjo
    Seconded byCouncillor Vicente

    That the approach outlined in the report from the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled "2023 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Annual Conference Update," be endorsed.


Councillor Tedjo, as Chair of the Government Relations Committee (GRC), stated that Peel Region continues to move forward with its advocacy priorities, which should continue to be local municipal priorities. He requested that Members attend as many of the AMO Conference Regional meetings as possible.

Councillor Vicente, Peel Region AMO representative, invited all Members to attend the AMO Conference and support the Peel Region advocacy priorities.

Email dated May 30, 2023, Providing a letter on behalf of the National Chronic Pain Society Regarding the Proposal by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan to Reduce Coverage for Several Vital Healthcare Services, Including Nerve Block Injections (Direction required)

  • Resolution Number2023-517
    Moved byCouncillor Medeiros
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    Referred to staff

  • Moved byCouncillor Brown
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    Whereas any delays in the construction of servicing capacity will block the ability to meet Bill 23 Housing Targets;

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    1. That the Region of Peel commit to the immediate financing of the servicing shortfall of $11.1B to meet the new provincial growth targets adopted by all three local municipalities, as identified in the February 23, 2023 staff presentation to Regional Council on Infrastructure Planning to Support Bill 23 Housing Targets; and
    2. That the required debenture be issued in the 2023 fiscal year to ensure the continuity of regional services as per the principles of the dissolution of Peel Region, adopted unanimously by Regional Council on June 8, 2023, specifically, principle two “Public Works enabling infrastructure to build homes faster”. 
  • Resolution Number2023-518
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney*
    Seconded byCouncillor Tedjo

    That the motion listed as Item 20.1 on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda be referred back to staff to report to a future Council meeting.

    In Favour (13)Councillor Crombie* (Proxy M. Mahoney), Councillor Damerla, Councillor Dasko, Councillor Fonseca, Councillor Kovac, Councillor Mahoney*, Councillor McFadden, Councillor Parrish, Councillor Early, Councillor Tedjo, Councillor Horneck, Councillor Reid, and Councillor Butt
    Opposed (11)Councillor Brown, Councillor Fortini, Councillor Groves, Councillor Medeiros, Councillor Palleschi, Councillor Santos, Councillor Vicente, Councillor Toor, Councillor Russo, Councillor Keenan, and Councillor Brar

Councillor Brown stated the intent of the proposed motion is to honour the local municipal housing pledges that support the provincial housing goals.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the housing crisis; timelines to upgrade and undertake large scale infrastructure projects; municipal debt and financial obligation limitations under the Municipal Act; 2001; implications of the Hazel McCallion Act on decisions of Peel and its local Councils; the current financial market and credit rating implications; projects on hold due to lack of infrastructure capacity; a proposal that the provincial government should contribute to funding requirements to meet their housing targets; and the $11.1 billion servicing shortfall.

In response to a question regarding referral of the motion to staff to prepare a report for Council, the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services advised that staff could report to the July 6, 2023 Regional Council meeting.

  • Resolution Number2023-519
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney*
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid

    Whereas Eden Food for Change has been serving hungry families in the community since 1989 and became an informal food bank where people would donate food and hungry families could access food;

    And whereas, in 1990 became an official program at Eden United Church;

    And whereas, in 2002 Eden Food Bank was incorporated and became an official registered charity;

    And whereas, in 2009 overwhelmed with donations, Eden Food Bank grew to a second location;

    And whereas, Eden Food Bank works to be a place where everyone in western Mississauga can be a part of a community focused on good food;

    And whereas, their kitchen programs teach people the skills and knowledge to provide healthy meals; officially launched in 2013 to provide cooking classes for food bank recipients;

    And whereas, in 2014, they adapted again to meet the needs of the community and transitioned away from stereotypical food bank model of food collection and distribution to a community food create model that better responds to the needs of hungry families;

    And whereas, in 2015 became Eden Food for Change to reflect all the work they do;

    And whereas, in 2023 Eden Food for Change has been approved for permit to build a mezzanine and kitchen expansion;

    And whereas, the development charges associated with this building permit application, BP 3ALT 22 4547 valid for building permit issued by July 31, 2023 amounts to $58,308.66 in total;

    • City of Mississauga $19,269.90 / Region of Peel $37,468.98 / Peel District School Board $801.90 / Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board $767.88

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    That a grant-in-lieu of development charges, to be funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, be provided to offset Peel Region’s portion of development charges payable under this building permit application, so Eden Food for Change may allocate the funds to serve the over 2000 and growing families that require food bank assistance on a weekly basis.


Councillor Mahoney stated that the goal of the motion is to provide a grant-in-lieu of development charges to Eden Food Bank to ensure they can purchase more food to service the growing number of families in the community in need of assistance.



Three Readings

  • Resolution Number2023-520
    Moved byCouncillor Groves
    Seconded byCouncillor Fortini

    That the by-laws listed on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda, being By-laws 33-2023 to 36-2023 inclusive, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


A by-law to amend the Document Execution By-law 32-2017 being a by-law governing the execution of documents on behalf of The Regional Municipality of Peel. (Related to 11.5) 

A by-law to implement a revised Peel Emergency Plan and to repeal By-law 78-2015. (Related to 11.8) 

A by-law to amend By-law Number 15-2013 being a by-law to regulate traffic on roads under the jurisdiction of The Regional Municipality of Peel. 
(Related to 13.1)

A by-law to authorize the entering into of a municipal housing project facilities agreement for the provision of affordable housing at 2340 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga. (Related to 17.3)

  • Resolution Number2023-521
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor Tedjo

    That Council proceed into "closed session" to consider a report relating to the following:

    • Bill 112 Operational Impacts (Labour relations or employee negotiations)
  • Resolution Number2023-522
    Moved byCouncillor McFadden
    Seconded byCouncillor Mahoney*

    That Council move out of "closed session".


Council moved into closed session at 2:09 p.m.

Council moved out of closed session at 2:39 p.m.

Item 22.2 was dealt with.

Bill 112 Operational Impacts


(Labour relations or employee negotiations)

  • Resolution Number2023-523
    Moved byCouncillor Groves
    Seconded byCouncillor Fortini

    That the closed session direction to the Chief Administrative Officer related to the closed session report listed as Item 22.2 on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda, be approved and voted upon in accordance with Section 239(6)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.


June 8, 2023 Regional Council Closed Session Report

  • Resolution Number2023-524

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Bill 112 Update


(Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees) 

  • Resolution Number2023-525
    Moved byCouncillor Kovac
    Seconded byCouncillor Groves

    That the closed session direction to the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the closed session report listed as Item 22.3 on the June 22, 2023 Regional Council agenda, be approved and voted upon in accordance with Section 239(6)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-526
    Moved byCouncillor Mahoney*
    Seconded byCouncillor Butt

    That By-law 37-2023 to confirm the proceedings of Regional Council at its meeting held on June 22, 2023, and to authorize the execution of documents in accordance with the Region of Peel by-laws relating thereto, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


The meeting adjourned at 2:42 p.m.

No Item Selected