Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • G.S. Dhillon
  • P. Fortini
  • A. Groves
  • N. Iannicca
  • J. Innis
  • J. Kovac
  • M. Mahoney
  • M. Palleschi
  • K. Ras
  • I. Sinclair
  • R. Starr
Staff Present
  • J. Baker, Chief Administrative Officer
  • S. Baird, Commissioner of Digital and Information Services
  • K. Lockyer, Regional Clerk and Interim Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • S. VanOfwegen, Commissioner of Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • P. O'Connor, Regional Solicitor
  • A. Farr, Interim Commissioner of Public Works
  • J. Sheehy, Commissioner of Human Services
  • N. Polsinelli, Commissioner of Health
  • N. Lee, Director, Waste Management
  • A. Adams, Deputy Clerk and Acting Director of Clerk’s
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • S. Jurrius, Committee Clerk
  • H. Gill, Legislative Specialist
  • S. Valleau, Legislative Specialist
  • R. Khan, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Chaired by Councillor Starr.

The Region of Peel Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee met on October 29, 2020 at 11:05 a.m., in the Regional Council Chamber, 5th Floor, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton, ON. The Regional Chair attended in-person. The Committee Chair and other Members of the Committee and staff participated electronically.

Regional Chair Iannicca arrived at 11:09 a.m.

Regional Chair Iannicca departed at 11:45 a.m.


    That the agenda for the October 29, 2020 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting be approved.

Presentation by Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management

  • Received

    That the evaluation criteria to be used by staff to evaluate the potential funding approaches as outlined in the report from the Interim Commissioner of Public Works titled “Waste Management Financial Plan Update – Results of First Round Public Consultation and Recommended Next Steps” be endorsed;

    And further, that the plan for a second round of public consultation to engage Peel residents for follow up feedback on potential funding approaches as outlined in the subject report, be endorsed.

Norman Lee, Director of Waste Management, provided an overview of the waste management financial plan objectives; feedback received from the first round of public consultations; recommended evaluation criteria; and; proposed next steps for public consultation. Preliminary findings show that a hybrid model that incorporates taxes and user fees; combines a flat base amount and variable fees; and, makes use of Peel’s current waste collection carts and bins would meet the objectives of the project. Staff recommends the following criteria to assess potential volume based user fees:

  • financial sustainability to provide a stable revenue source that properly manages and mitigates any risks resulting from a dependency on external funding sources that the Region cannot control;
  • incentivize waste reduction and diversion by including an appropriate volume-based user-fee component;
  • minimal impacts on administrative burden and costs during the development, implementation and continuing administration of the funding model; and,
  • consideration of public feedback on user fees.

Staff recommends postponing the second round of public consultations until 2021 due to the uncertainty regarding COVID-19.

Councillor Ras requested that staff provide an update to all members of Council regarding the waste management financial plan, first public consultation results and recommended next steps.

In response to a question of clarification from Councillor Ras regarding the timing of the fees, Norman Lee stated that, although final financial plan recommendations will be presented in late 2021, the implementation of the user fees will most likely be in 2024 to tie in with the Region of Peel’s next waste collection contracts.


    That the Region of Peel continue to offer collection services to producers for collection of Batteries, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste, and Blue Box materials post transition, subject to negotiation of mutually agreeable terms;

    And further, that the Region of Peel stop collecting tires at its Community Recycling Centres effective January 1, 2021;

    And further, that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into and execute new agreements or amending agreements and related forms and documents, including on a directly negotiated basis, related to the transition, operation or funding of the Region’s Electrical and Electronic Equipment diversion program, on business terms satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works and on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor;

    And further, that staff be directed to negotiate agreements related to the transition, operation or funding of the Region’s Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste diversion program once the Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste regulation is finalized and report back to a future meeting of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee with recommendations.

Norman Lee, Director of Waste Management, provided an overview of the transition timelines and proposed direction for the Region of Peel’s five diversion programs that are subject to the new provincial full producer responsibility framework: tires; batteries; electrical and electronic equipment; municipal hazardous and special waste; and, blue box.

Norman Lee advised that on October 19, 2020, the provincial government released the proposed regulation to make producers responsible for operating blue box programs. Staff will provide comments and proposed recommendations on the draft blue box regulation at the November 19, 2020 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee. The deadline to provide comments to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is December 3, 2020.

Councillor Sinclair stated that there needs to be clear lines of accountability when the five Regional diversion programs are transitioned to full producer responsibility.

Councillor Innis noted that the overview of the draft blue box regulation including its benefits to the community should be conveyed to the public and shared with all members of Council. She requested that the November 19, 2020 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee report on the draft blue box regulation include a robust communication plan.

In response to a question of clarification from Councillor Innis regarding advocacy to divert compost from landfill sites, Norman Lee stated that the Region continues to advocate for all five diversion programs. The draft blue box regulation includes a stipulation for compostable packaging and similar type of compostable products to be under full producer responsibility. The provincial government will collect data on compostable materials over the next few years before the targets are established.

Councillor Innis requested that staff report back to a future Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting with information on the stipulation for compostable packaging from the draft blue box regulation and its potential impact on the Region’s organics collection and processing, including costs.

Councillor Innis requested that the report recommendation be amended to include direction that staff negotiate agreements related to the transition, operation or funding of the Region’s Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste diversion program and report back to a future meeting of Regional Council or Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee, as appropriate.

Councillor Innis suggested that Region of Peel staff consult with staff from the City of Toronto and other municipalities regarding their advocacy efforts for fair cost recovery and approaches to ensuring the draft blue box regulation provisions are adhered to.


    That the waste management service changes proposed in the report from the Interim Commissioner of Public Works titled “Proposed 2021 Waste Management Service Changes” be endorsed.

Norman Lee, Director of Waste Management, advised that approval of the recommended service changes outlined in the report listed as Item 5.3 on the October 29, 2020 agenda, would continue to ensure public and worker safety, improve wait times and line ups at the Region of Peel Community Recycling Centres (CRCs), provide better customer service, create cost savings and improve operational efficiency.  The Region will prepare a communications plan to notify residents of the approved service changes, using standard communication channels.

In response to a question of clarification from Councillor Palleschi, Norman Lee stated that staff will review the option to schedule fixed days of the week when extended hours are offered at CRCs.

Email dated October 16, 2020, Regarding an Invitation to Participate in the Provincial Day of Action on Litter – Waste Reduction Week Initiatives (Receipt recommended)

  • Received


The next meeting of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 9:30 a.m., Regional Administrative Headquarters, Council Chamber, 5th floor, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton, ON.

Please forward regrets to Stephanie Jurrius, Committee Clerk, (905) 791-7800, extension 4502 or at [email protected].

The meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.