Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • N.K. Brar
  • P. Brown**
  • B. Butt
  • B. Crombie
  • S. Dasko
  • C. Early
  • C. Fonseca
  • P. Fortini
  • A. Groves
  • J. Horneck
  • N. Iannicca
  • J. Kovac
  • M. Mahoney
  • S. McFadden
  • M. Medeiros
  • M. Palleschi
  • C. Parrish
  • M. Reid***
  • M. Russo
  • H. Singh*
  • A. Tedjo
  • G.S. Toor
  • P. Vicente
Members Absent:
  • D. Damerla
  • D. Keenan* (Alternate H. Singh)
  • R. Santos** (Proxy P. Brown)
Staff Present:
  • G. Kent, Chief Administrative Officer
  • P. Caza, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • J. Zingaro, Regional Solicitor
  • T. Buonpensiero, Acting Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Development Services
  • K. Dedman, Commissioner of Public Works
  • S. Baird, Commissioner of Human Services
  • N. Polsinelli, Commissioner of Health Services
  • Dr. N. Brandon, Acting Medical Officer of Health
  • A. Adams, Regional Clerk and Director of Legislative Services
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • H. Gill, Legislative Technical Advisor
  • J. Jones, Legislative Specialist
  • S. MacGregor, Legislative Technical Coordinator
  • D. Rai, Legislative Technical Coordinator

Regional Chair Iannicca called the meeting of Regional Council to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton.

Councillor Damerla was absent due to personal matters

Councillor Keenan was absent due to other municipal business

Councillor Santos was absent due to other municipal business

Councillor Crombie arrived at 9:35 a.m.

Councillor Toor arrived at 9:37 a.m.

Councillor Fonseca arrived at 9:40 a.m.

Councillor Medeiros arrived at 9:46 a.m.

Councillor Tedjo*** arrived at 11:15 a.m. and departed at 12:08 p.m. due to other municipal business (Proxy M. Reid)

Councillor Groves departed at 12:54 p.m.

Regional Chair Iannicca read an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.

  • Resolution Number2023-406
    Moved byCouncillor Vicente
    Seconded byCouncillor Russo

    That the minutes of the May 11, 2023 Regional Council meeting, be approved.

  • Resolution Number2023-407
    Moved byCouncillor Reid
    Seconded byCouncillor Early
    1. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a delegation from Adaoma Patterson, Director, Community Service Investments, United Way Greater Toronto, regarding support for Community Services/Non-Profit sector during and after dissolution of Peel Region, to be dealt with under Delegations - Item 7.4; and
    2. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a letter from Laura Hall, Director of Corporate Services and Town Clerk, providing a copy of the Town of Caledon Notice of Motion regarding a request to the Province to urgently establish the Transition Board to ease concerns for Peel Regional staff, to be dealt with under items related to Corporate Services – Item 10.4; and 
    3. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a letter from Aaron Wisson, Caledon Community Partners, regarding the Bolton Water and Wastewater Servicing Strategy report, to be dealt with under items related to Public Works – Item 12.2; and
    4. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a letter from Daphna Nussbaum, Program Coordinator and Analyst, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness, regarding Bill 112 – The Hazel McCallion Act, to be dealt with under items related to Human Services – Item 16.1; and
    5. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting include a closed session item regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – to be dealt with under Closed Session - Item 22.7; and
    6. That the agenda for the June 8, 2023 Regional Council meeting be approved, as amended.
  • Resolution Number2023-408
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    That the following matters listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council Agenda be approved under the Consent Agenda: Items 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.7, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4 and 22.6.



(For information)  

  • Resolution Number2023-410

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-411
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    That the contract (Document 2022-488N) awarded to Deloitte LLP for external consulting services for asset retirement obligation (ARO) adoption be increased by $72,000 (excluding applicable taxes) for a new total contract value of $160,000 (excluding applicable taxes), in accordance with Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-412
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    That the report of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC-1/2023) meeting held on May 4, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-413

That Mary Daniel be elected as Chair of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee for a 24-month term ending May 4, 2025 or until a successor is appointed.



Resolution Number 2023-414

That Carol-Ann Chafe be elected as Vice-Chair of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee for a 24-month term ending May 4, 2025 or until a successor is appointed.




Resolution Number 2023-415

  1. That the agenda for the May 4, 2023 Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee include an oral item regarding Committee related Accommodations, to be dealt with under Other Business - Item 8.1; and
  2. That the agenda for the May 4, 2023 Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting, be approved, as amended.



6.1       Accessibility Planning Program Update

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-416


6.2       Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-417



7.1       Christine Zaza, Workplace Accessibility Specialist,  University of Waterloo

Email dated March 13, 2023, Providing a Copy of the Independent Interim Report of the Fourth Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) (Receipt recommended)

Resolution Number 2023-418



8.2       Community Member Resignation - R. Reddam (Oral)


Resolution Number 2023-419

That the resignation of community member Ron Reddam from the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee be received.


8.1       Committee Related Accommodations (Oral)


Resolution Number 2023-420

That staff report back to a future meeting of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) on the implementation of the following committee related accommodation requests:

  • include local municipal AAC updates on agendas;
  • include in-document links and bookmarks in AAC documents;
  • meeting invitations to have meeting links in a ‘text-to-display box’ instead of displaying long URLs;
  • provide access to virtual chat function;
  • note member positions/title on agendas and minutes;
  • include the AAC Vice-Chair in agenda review meetings;
  • include additional notations on the Chair’s reference sheet, such as delegation timing and the names of members attending in person and virtually; and
  • remind members that questions and comments may be submitted via email to the Regional Clerk’s Office.


Email dated May 15, 2023, Providing a Copy of a CVC Resolution Regarding Council’s Request to Increase Representation on the CVC Board of Directors (Resolution 2023-25) (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-421

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated May 18, 2023, Regarding the Proposed Hazel McCallion Act (Receipt recommended) (Related to 7.3, 7.4, 9.5, 10.3, 10.4 and 16.1)

  • Resolution Number2023-422

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Email dated May 31, 2023, Providing a Copy of a City of Mississauga Resolution Regarding a Request to the Province to Urgently Establish the Transition Board to Create a Workplan and Ease Concerns for Peel Regional Staff (Receipt recommended) (Related to 7.3, 7.4, 9.5, 10.2, 10.4 and 16.1)

  • Resolution Number2023-423

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated June 7, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Town of Caledon Notice of Motion Regarding a Request to the Province to Urgently Establish the Transition Board to Ease Concerns for Peel Regional Staff (Receipt recommended) (Related to 7.3, 7.4, 9.5, 10.2 10.3 and 16.1)

  • Resolution Number2023-424

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-425
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That the contract (Document 2023-195T) for the widening and improvement of Regional Road 1 (Mississauga Road) from Regional Road 107 (Bovaird Drive) to Regional Road 14 (Mayfield Road), City of Brampton, be awarded to Dufferin Construction Company, a division of CRH Canada Group Inc., in the amount of $101,276,399.59 (excluding applicable taxes), pursuant to Procurement By-law 302018, as amended; and
    2. That the existing budget for Capital Project 10-4040 for the widening and improvement of Mississauga Road from Bovaird Drive to Mayfield Road be increased by $21.8M, financed 85 per cent from Development Charge Reserve Fund R3505 and 15 per cent from Roads Reserve R0210 in order to proceed with award of the construction tender; and
    3. That the contract (Document 2015-198P) for professional engineering services for detailed design and contract administration for Regional Road 1 (Mississauga Road) from Regional Road 107 (Bovaird Drive West) to Regional Road 14 (Mayfield Road), awarded to R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, be extended for additional design and contract administration services attributed to facilitating design and permit changes, in the amount of $900,000, (excluding applicable taxes) for a total contract commitment of $6,104,595 (excluding applicable taxes), pursuant to Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-426
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That the Region of Peel enter into agreement with additional Locate Service Providers (LSPs) procured through a competitive process previously issued by the Locate Alliance Consortium (LAC) at an estimated total annual cost of $2,000,000; and
    2. That the contracts with the additional service providers be renewable in alignment with current LAC affiliated LSPs on the same terms and conditions governing the current agreement, subject to satisfactory pricing, performance, and available budget; and
    3. That, once final unit rate costs are established for the services to be provided by the additional LSPs, the Director of Procurement be authorized to approve the award of these contracts and any subsequent contract increases should demand for the service require it, subject to satisfactory performance, price and approved budget, all in accordance with Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended; and
    4. That the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to increase budget as per business needs, due to the impacts of anticipated growth and demand for locate services.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-427
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    That the report of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee (WMSAC-2/2023) meeting held on May 18, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-428

That the agenda for the May 18, 2023 Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee meeting, be approved.



4.1       Ward Janssens, Chief Executive Officer, Evergreen Environmental Inc.; and Kevin Matthews, President, CCI Bioenergy Inc.

Regarding Mixed Waste and Source Separated Organics Processing

Resolution Number 2023-429



5.1       Mixed Waste Processing Pilot Status Update

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-430


5.2       Waste Management Education Programs in Peel Region

(For information)

Presentation by Erwin Pascual, Manager, Waste Planning and Laura Lane, Supervisor, Environmental Education

Resolution Number 2023-431


5.3       Curbside Waste Collection Contractors’ Performance in 2022

(For information)

Resolution Number 2023-432


Email dated May 30, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Clerk of the City of Brampton Regarding Goods Movement Road Network Expansion within the Highway 427 Industrial Secondary Plan Area (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-433

Letter dated June 7, 2023, Regarding the Bolton Water and Wastewater Servicing Strategy Report (Receipt recommended) (Related to 11.2) 

  • Resolution Number2023-434
  • Resolution Number2023-435
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That the Contract (Document 2023-110T) for the facility wide upgrades and repairs at Davis Centre Long Term Care Facility, Bolton, Projects 22102, 22103 and 185449, be awarded to Newgen Construction Corporation in the amount of $3,748,000.00 (excluding applicable taxes), pursuant to Procurement By-law 30-2018, as amended; and
    2. That the Capital Budget for the capital remediation projects at the Vera M. Davis Long Term Care Home be increased by $1,662,000 funded from tax-supported capital reserves be approved, in order to proceed with the award of this contract and construction in 2023.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-438
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden

    That the report of the Health System Integration Committee (HSIC-2/2023) meeting held on May 18, 2023, be adopted.


This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.



Resolution Number 2023-439

That the agenda for the May 18, 2023 Health System Integration Committee meeting, be approved.



4.1       Susan deRyk, Chief Regional Officer, Central and West Regions, Ontario Health

Regarding Community Supports for Hospital Emergency Department Avoidance

Resolution Number 2023-440



5.1       Harm Reduction in Peel

(For information)
Presentation by Paul Sharma, Director, Communicable Diseases and Injury Prevention and Dr. Kate Bingham, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Public Health

Resolution Number 2023-441


5.2       Transforming Community-based Care Through the Seniors Health and Wellness Village at Peel Manor

(For information)
Presentation by Donna Kern, Director, Senior Services and Dr. Sudip Saha, Senior Medical Director, Long Term Care, Senior Services Development and Community Paramedicine

Resolution Number 2023-442


5.3       Community Health Care Model for People Experiencing Homelessness

(For information)
Presentation by Aileen Baird, Director, Housing Services

Resolution Number 2023-443


  • Resolution Number2023-444
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That Jabari Lindsay be appointed as Ontario Works Administrator in accordance with Section 43 of the Ontario Works Act, 1997; and
    2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Central Region Office of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services for processing and Provincial approval.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

(For information)

  • Resolution Number2023-445

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated June 7, 2023, Regarding Bill 112 – The Hazel McCallion Act (Receipt recommended) (Related to 7.3, 7.4, 9.5, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)  

  • Resolution Number2023-446

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-448
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That the comments and recommendations to the Province of Ontario as contained in and appended to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Bill 97, Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023, and proposed Provincial Planning Statement”, be endorsed; and
    2. That staff  provide further comment to the Province on Bill 97 and the proposed changes to the Planning Act, to request the deadline for refunding of planning fees be extended from July 1, 2023 to January 1, 2025, to align with the date proposed for Peel dissolution introduced by Bill 112, the Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution); and
    3. That the subject report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Peel Members of Provincial Parliament, the Town of Caledon, the City of Brampton, and the City of Mississauga.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Letter dated June 1, 2023, Providing a Copy of a Letter to the Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Minister of Long-Term Care Regarding the City of Brampton’s Comments on the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2023 (Receipt recommended) 

  • Resolution Number2023-449

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.


Presenting the Peel Celebrates Employee Awards (Presentation now available)

  • Resolution Number2023-450

Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer, Sharon Lobo, Selection Committee Lead and Carolyn Tong, Selection Committee Member, Human Resources, provided an overview of the Peel Celebrates Employee Awards and recognized the accomplishments of award recipients.

Providing an Introduction of Peel Council on Aging and its Partnership with Peel Region

  • Resolution Number2023-451

Raymond Applebaum, Board Member, Peel Council on Aging (PCoA), provided an overview of the PCoA including its background development and planning; vision, mission, mandate and value statements; regional collaboration across municipalities; organizational structure and Board of Directors; role of the PCoA membership; roundtables on housing, healthy aging, safety, building community and staying mobile; and key milestones.

Members of Regional Council proposed that the provincial government be requested to ensure that community services continue during and after the dissolution of Peel Region and acknowledged the work of the community organizations that support seniors in the region. 

Regarding Concerns for the Dissolution of Peel Region and Requesting that Vulnerable Members of the Community Not Experience Service Disruption (Related to 7.4, 9.5, 10.2 and 10.3, 10.4 and 16.1) 

  • Resolution Number2023-452

Gurpreet Malhotra, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Indus Community Services and Michael Gyovai, Executive Director, Boys and Girls Club, provided an overview of concerns expressed by agencies, non-profits and community groups in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon regarding the dissolution of the Regional Municipality of Peel and impacts on the vulnerable communities they serve and support. The delegates requested that Peel funding available for renewal in August 2023 be carried over from the current funded agencies/groups for the next one to two years.

Members of Regional Council proposed that the provincial government be requested to ensure there are no service interruptions for vulnerable residents during the transition of Peel Region.

Regarding Support for Community Services/Non-Profit Sector During and After Dissolution of Peel Region (Related to 7.3, 9.5, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 16.1) 

  • Resolution Number2023-453

Adaoma Patterson, Director, Community Service Investments, United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT), provided an overview of the UWGT’s support for the community services/non-profit sector; advised of their efforts to remain focused on serving vulnerable residents; and their commitment to work with Council, regional and municipal staff prior to, during and after the dissolution of Peel Region. The delegate provided an overview of UWGT services, the need for current and future funding, resident concerns resulting from current economic and social conditions, and the need for intentional planning and support to ensure the sector remains stable and adequately funded.



(For information) 

  • Resolution Number2023-454

Councillor Horneck stated his support for Option 2, as outlined in the subject report, as the approach to be taken when considering the calculation of Regional development charges applicable to places of worship, when projects come forward on a one-off basis.

(Related to 7.3, 7.4, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 16.1)  

  • Resolution Number2023-455
    Moved byCouncillor Groves
    Seconded byCouncillor Horneck

    That the Principles for approaching the 2024 budget and existing workplans, as outlined in Appendix II of the report of the Chief Administrative Officer, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Bill 112 – Managing Through the Transition”, be endorsed, as amended.

  • Resolution Number2023-456
    Moved byCouncillor Parrish
    Seconded byCouncillor Fortini
    1. That the provincial government be requested to ensure there are no service interruptions to Peel’s most vulnerable populations as a result of the implementation of Bill 112, The Hazel McCallion Act; and
    2. That the Region of Peel commit to continuing to fund and sustain community agencies that come up for renewal throughout the transition period.

Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer, provided an overview of Bill 112 – Managing Through the Transition, including transition timelines; role of the Transition Board; managing risks; and proposed Principles to maintain Regional services and prepare for the 2024 budget.

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding concern with section 2.viii of Bill 112; whether the provincial Transition Board report would be made public; Peel staff job security and OMERS benefits; a proposal that local municipalities adopt recruiting processes to give priority to Peel staff for certain employment opportunities; future collaboration on shared services; the requirement to wait for the Transition Board report before decisions or planning can begin; and a request that the provincial government proceed as quickly as possible.

Councillor Horneck requested that proposed Principle 12, “The procurement of goods and services as required to deliver and support the uninterrupted delivery of Regional services”, be revised to include that there would be no decline or change in services.

  • Resolution Number2023-457
    Moved byCouncillor Brown**
    Seconded byCouncillor Vicente
    1. That the proposal for a memorial sculpture in honour of the former Premier of Ontario, William (Bill) Davis, be approved for installation on the grounds of the Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives; and
    2. That the draft Public Art and Monuments Policy and Guidelines included as Appendix I to the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “William G. Davis Memorial Sculpture at Peel Art Gallery, Museum, and Archives” be approved; and
    3. That Peel’s signing officers be authorized to execute all documents necessary or advisable for the completion of the installation, ongoing maintenance, and other ancillary matters, in a form satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor.

Councillor Brown provided his support for the report recommendation and advised that funding has been obtained from the provincial government and the City of Brampton, and there will be no cost to Peel Region.

Members of Regional Council supported the recognition of former Premier of Ontario, William (Bill) Davis.



(For information) (Related to 12.2)

  • Resolution Number2023-458

Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding the Bolton Water and Wastewater Servicing Strategy, Feasibility Study and Master Plan; new water pressure zones; servicing needs for the ROPA 30 and Settlement Area Boundary Expansion lands; the need to expedite Bolton’s environmental assessments; and the importance of continued work with Peel, the Town of Caledon and the Ministry of Transportation related to Option 3 lands.



Three Readings

  • Resolution Number2023-459
    Moved byCouncillor Parrish
    Seconded byCouncillor Dasko

    That the by-law listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda, being By-law 31-2023, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


A by-law to accept, assume and dedicate lands for public highway purposes. 

  • Resolution Number2023-460
    Moved byCouncillor Horneck
    Seconded byCouncillor Toor

    That Council proceed into “Closed Session” to consider reports relating to the following:

    • Bargaining Strategy Review 2023-2024 (Labour relations or employee negotiations)
    • Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees
  • Resolution Number2023-461
    Moved byCouncillor Horneck
    Seconded byCouncillor Toor

    That Council move out of "closed session".


Council moved into closed session at 12:45 p.m.

Council moved out of closed session at 1:01 p.m.

Item 22.5 was dealt with.

Bargaining Strategy Review 2023-2024


(Labour relations or employee negotiations) 

  • Resolution Number2023-462

Item 22.7 was dealt with.

Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees

  • Resolution Number2023-463

May 11, 2023 Regional Council Closed Session Report

  • Resolution Number2023-464

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Property Acquisition – Winston Churchill Boulevard Reconstruction – PF-14019.91 – North of Credit River Bridge to South of Mayfield Road – City of Brampton, Ward 6


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board) 

  • Resolution Number2023-465
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That The Regional Municipality of Peel, as Purchaser, enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with 2094728 Ontario Inc., as Vendor, in accordance with the terms set out in the Closed Session report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Proposed Property Acquisition – Winston Churchill Boulevard Reconstruction – PF-14019.91 – North of Credit River Bridge to South of Mayfield Road – City of Brampton, Ward 6”, on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor for the purchase of:
      • A fee simple interest in the lands described as Part of Lot 15, Concession 6, West of Hurontario Street, City of Brampton (Geographic Township of Chinguacousy), Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 43R-40558; and
    2. That the Regional Solicitor be authorized to complete the transaction, including the execution of all documents, Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Undertakings and extensions required or appropriate for that purpose; and
    3. That the expenditure be financed from Capital Project 06-4015; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Payment of Compensation Pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.24 – Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board) 

  • Resolution Number2023-466
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That The Regional Municipality of Peel enter into a Final Compensation Agreement with Odocom Enterprises Inc., as Owner, in accordance with the terms set out in the Closed Session report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Payment of Compensation Pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.24 – Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5”, for the full and final settlement and the Owner providing a release of all claims arising from the expropriation of the following interest in land:
      • Fee Simple interest in the lands described as Part of Lot 17, Concession 11, Northern Division, City of Brampton (formerly Township of Toronto Gore), Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Part 1 on Expropriation Plan PR3514628; and
    2. That the expenditure be financed from Capital Project 11-4075; and
    3. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Payment of Compensation Pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.48/.49 – Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board) 

  • Resolution Number2023-467
    Moved byCouncillor Russo
    Seconded byCouncillor McFadden
    1. That The Regional Municipality of Peel enter into a Final Compensation Agreement with Gurdeep Singh, Amrit Singh, Sarvan Singh and Parwinder Gill, as Owners, in accordance with the terms set out in the Closed Session report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Payment of Compensation Pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.48/.49 - Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5”, for the full and final settlement and the Owners providing a release of all claims arising from the expropriation of the following interest in land:
      • Fee Simple interest in the lands described as Part of the Original Road Allowance between former Townships of Albion and Toronto Gore (closed by Instrument Number VS150922), Concession 1, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Part 1 on Expropriation Plan PR3548259; and
      • Temporary Easement interest in the lands described as Part of the Original Road Allowance between former Townships of Albion and Toronto Gore (closed by Instrument Number VS150922), Concession 1, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Part 2 on Expropriation Plan PR3548259; and
    2. That The Regional Municipality of Peel enter into a Final Compensation Agreement with Stefano Dicarlo, as Owner, in accordance with the terms set out in the Closed Session report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, listed on the June 8, 2023 Regional Council agenda titled “Payment of Compensation Pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, Mayfield Road Widening – EXP-18075.48/.49 - Airport Road to Coleraine Drive – City of Brampton, Ward 10 and Town of Caledon, Wards 3 and 5”, for the full and final settlement and the Owner providing a release of all claims arising from the expropriation of the following interest in land:
      • Fee Simple interest in the lands described as Part of the Original Road Allowance between former Townships of Albion and Toronto Gore (closed by Instrument Number VS120841) and Part of Lot 17, Concession 7, Northern Division, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, designated as Part 1 on Expropriation Plan PR3547420; and
    3. That the expenditure be financed from Capital Project 11-4075; and
    4. That this recommendation become public upon adoption.

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

Transition of Blue Box Program to Full Producer Responsibility - Material Recovery Facility


(A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board)

  • Resolution Number2023-468

This item was dealt with under the Consent Agenda.

  • Resolution Number2023-469
    Moved byCouncillor McFadden
    Seconded byCouncillor Vicente

    That By-law 32-2023 to confirm the proceedings of Regional Council at its meeting held on June 8, 2023, and to authorize the execution of documents in accordance with the Region of Peel by-laws relating thereto, be given the required number of readings, taken as read, signed by the Regional Chair and the Regional Clerk, and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.


The meeting adjourned at 1:02 p.m.

No Item Selected