That a 250mm diameter sanitary sewer be constructed on Cadetta Road, in the City of Brampton, Ward 10, as a Local Improvement under Ontario Regulation 586/06;
And further, that the proposed Local Improvement project with a total estimated project cost of approximately $1,317,784 (excluding applicable taxes) be funded from Capital Project 21-2710;
And further, that the allocated portion to the benefiting property owners in the amount of $1,317,784 (excluding applicable taxes) be set up as an external recovery under Capital Project 21-2710 and collected as a special charge;
And further, that the necessary by-law be enacted authorizing the undertaking of the work under Local Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status Regulation (O. Reg. 586/06), filed under the Municipal Act, 2001, and the imposition of sanitary sewer cost per property be resolved at completion of construction, and divided equitably amongst the benefitting properties, 50 per cent based on assessed lot frontage, and 50 per cent based on assessed lot size;
And further, that notice of the intention to pass a Local Improvement construction by-law be given in accordance with O. Reg. 586/06;
And further, that the benefiting property owners be charged annually for 15 years, including an interest rate which shall be determined at the time the by-law is enacted;
And further, that those property owners be given the opportunity to commute the special charge by advance payment at any time during the 15-year period;
And further, that the Regional Clerk forward a copy of the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, listed on the November 11, 2021 Regional Council agenda titled “Proposed Construction of Sanitary Sewer for Cadetta Road, Capital Project 21-2710, City of Brampton, Ward 10”, to the City of Brampton;
And further, that a “Notice to Amend” the tax rolls of the affected owners be sent to the City of Brampton for appropriate action.