PGMC - 2/2021
Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario
Members Present:
  • G. Carlson
  • P. Fortini
  • N. Iannicca
  • J. Innis
  • L. Kiernan
  • M. Medeiros
  • C. Parrish
  • R. Starr
  • A. Thompson
  • P. Vicente
Staff Present
  • J. Baker, Chief Administrative Officer
  • K. Lockyer, Interim Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • J. Pittini, Interim Commissioner of Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • A. Smith, Chief Planner
  • A. Warren, Interim Commissioner of Public Works
  • P. O'Connor, Regional Solicitor
  • A. Adams, Deputy Clerk and Acting Director of Clerk's
  • C. Thomson, Deputy Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services
  • S. Jurrius, Committee Clerk
  • S. Valleau, Legislative Specialist

Councillor Thompson, Committee Vice-Chair, called the Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting to order on March 18, 2021 at 9:33 a.m., in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive.

Other Regional Councillors Present: S. Dasko; J. Downey; I. Sinclair

Councillor Parrish, Committee Chair, presided.



    That the agenda for the March 18, 2021 Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting, be approved.


Regarding Orangeville Brampton Railway

  • Received

Sylvia Roberts, Resident, City of Brampton, noted the importance of the Orangeville Brampton Railway as it relates to the Provincial Policy Statement policy for planned corridors and the Region Official Plan; and, the potential benefits of the subject railway to the Region of Peel.

Regional Chair Iannicca stated that the viability and importance of the corridors adjacent to the Region of Peel is one Regional Council’s key considerations as part of the Regional Official Plan Review to support movement of goods and people.

Regarding Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 Option 6 Lands (Related to 5.6 and 6.3)

  • Received

Paul Lowes, Principal, SGL Planning and Design Inc., on behalf of the Humber Station Villages Landowners Group Inc., provided an update regarding the Group’s current collaboration with the Town of Caledon in the preparation of a Secondary Plan for the Option 6 lands, and providing detailed technical studies to advance the implementation of Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 (ROPA 30). He requested that staff be directed to follow-up on the Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) request for the Option 6 lands to determine if the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is in favour of the request. Paul Lowes further requested that the Region request the Town of Caledon to submit a MZO for the Option 6 lands.

Councillor Thompson provided clarification that the MZO for the Bolton GO Station was requested by the Town of Caledon to secure the land for future use.

Councillor Parrish stated that the MMAH has considered MZO applications submitted by local municipalities but not from the upper tier municipalities. She suggested that the Landowners Group request the Town of Caledon follow-up on the MZO.

Item 5.6 was dealt with.

(For information) (Related to 4.2 and 6.3)

  • Received

    That staff report back to a future meeting of the Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee with information on a framework, in principle, for front-end financing and area specific Development Charges or other servicing delivery arrangements that may be applied for planning and development in the Region of Peel.


Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director of Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an update on the status of Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 (ROPA 30) since it was approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) through an oral decision issued November 30, 2020. He provided an overview of next steps in policy implementation on the subject ROPA as it relates to the Peel 2041+ Official Plan Review, Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR), Provincially Significant Employment Zones (PSEZ) and Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs); population and growth allocations; local official plan amendment conformity with the Regional Official Plan; secondary planning process and servicing requirements; and, the recently approved Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) for the Bolton GO Station Area.

Members of the Committee and other Regional Councillors present discussed and raised questions regarding: regional and local municipal planning roles and processes; delineation of residential and employment areas; protection and plans for the Greater Toronto Area West Transportation and Transmission Corridors; growth allocations; implications of LPAT’s oral decision on ROPA 30 to local and regional official plans; community lands for mixed use availability within the PSEZ; land and infrastructure budget; MZO for the Bolton GO Station; status and potential follow-up of the Region’s request to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for an MZO to implement community use zoning on the Option 6 lands; alternative options to accommodate growth; the Region’s timelines to meet the Provincial conformity deadline of July 1, 2022; financial analysis of the draft MCR; and, front-end financing.

Councillor Thompson suggested that front-end financing for planning and development applications, to be reimbursed through Development Charges as part of the MCR process, be considered, similar to the approach utilized by the Town of Caledon.

Councillor Innis suggested that the maps for the future report include the GTA West Corridor and Provincially Significant Employment Zones and that the report include servicing costs associated with intensification projects in the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga.

Councillor Parrish stated that such an approach is not used by other municipalities and she requested that staff report back to a future Committee meeting with detailed information on front-end financing and development charges as tools for future applications.

Janice Baker, Chief Administrative Officer, clarified that staff can only report back on a broader fiscal framework for stronger front-end financing and development charges implementation policies to protect regional interests. However, it would not be feasible to conduct a comprehensive financial forecast for these tools.

Patrick O’Connor, Regional Solicitor, stated that the ROPA 30 Minutes of Settlement were carefully prepared to ensure that the municipal decision-making and the municipal planning authority were retained.

Members of the Committee requested that the minutes of the March 18, 2021 Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee be included on the March 25, 2021 Regional Council agenda, along with a copy of the report of the Interim Commissioner of Public Works, titled “Update on Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 as Approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal”.


Presentation by Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director of Regional Planning and Growth Management; and John Hardcastle, Interim Director of Development Services

  • Received

This item was dealt with as part of the ROPA 30 discussions, listed as Item 5.6 on the March 18, 2021 Planning and Growth Management Committee agenda.

Presentation by Mark Head, Manager, Integrated Planning, Regional Planning and Growth Management 

  • Received

Mark Head, Manager, Integrated Planning, Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an overview of the environment and resources focus areas included in the Peel 2041+ Regional Official Plan Review including: provincial plans that provide policy direction for environmental, natural heritage, water resources, agricultural and mineral aggregates planning; regional studies and discussion papers on the environment and resources focus areas completed to date to provide basis for consultation on recommended policies and mapping; an update on the Region’s collaboration with the province, local municipalities, conservation authorities, source protection committees, indigenous communities and other stakeholders on all focus areas included in the Official Plan Review; public consultations held in 2020; timelines for the environment and resources focus area policies and mapping; and next steps.

Members of the Committee and other Regional Councillors present discussed and raised questions regarding the agriculture system in Ontario and challenges of the public consultations with respect to mapping and provincial policies due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Councillor Thompson suggested that future reports to the Planning and Growth Management Committee include information regarding prime versus general agriculture system framework.

Councillor Downey suggested that staff look at goods movement and its connectivity with the food value system of agriculture in Peel.

Presentation by Derek Lau, Intermediate Planner, Regional Planning and Growth Management

  • Received

Derek Lau, Intermediate Planner, Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an overview of the Region of Peel’s approach to integrating policy direction for climate change mitigation and adaptation as part of the overall Regional Official Plan Review, as well as, how the climate change framework is being applied to support the growth management work, the shift towards moving people by sustainable modes of transportation; and, the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion work to address both climate change adaptation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Key drivers include: guidance and direction found at the international, federal, and provincial levels, which form a foundational component for the draft climate change policies in the Regional Official Plan; consultations with provincial staff, local municipal staff, special working groups, conservations authorities, the development industry, stakeholders and the public; the addition of the new sections under the Climate Change Policy as it relates to the built environment, the natural environment, green development standards, and the Region’s protected landscapes; and, next steps.

Presentation by Gail Anderson, Principal Planner, Regional Planning and Growth Management

  • Received

Gail Anderson, Principal Planner, Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an overview of the proposed water resources policies and mapping amendments to the Regional Official Plan including: conformity of the Region’s water resources policies to provincial policy; the source water protection plans land use planning requirements to achieve drinking water protection outcomes as it relates to the Regional Official Plan Review; public and stakeholder engagement; the Growth Plan and Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) requirements for watershed planning, stormwater management and green infrastructure; plans to insert the applicable Provincially approved and in-effect Land Use Planning policies from Source Protection Plans into the Regional Official Plan; requirements to provide mapping of the vulnerable areas in accordance with the Clean Water Act, including the wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones, and the water resources system, highly vulnerable aquifers and significant groundwater recharge areas in accordance with the PPS; other minor amendments related to Lake Ontario policies and new Lake Simcoe policies; and, next steps.

Members of the Committee and other Regional Councillors present discussed and raised questions regarding: significant groundwater recharge areas; Lake Simcoe source protection and watershed areas; and, wellhead areas and intake protection zones.

Gail Anderson undertook to provide Councillor Sinclair with information on the background studies and assessment reports for the wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones.

Presentation by Learie Miller, Advisor, Environmental Planning, Regional Planning and Growth Management

  • Received

Learie Miller, Advisor, Environmental Planning, Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an update on the work to date regarding Greenlands Systems policy review, including: its conformity with provincial policies and plans on the Natural Heritage System contained in the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Niagara Escarpment Plan and Lake Simcoe Plan; collaboration with local municipal staff and conservation authorities to ensure work is consistent, supports local initiatives and avoids duplication; and, updated mapping in the Regional Official Plan needed to ensure Core Areas of the Greenlands System reflect the best available data and meet provincial policy conformity/consistency requirements for the Greenlands System in Peel and the Greenbelt Plan Area land use designations.

Councillor Sinclair suggested that staff take into consideration how the Greenlands Systems mapping are to be implemented.

Letter dated February 17, 2021, Regarding Consultation on Growing the Size of the Greenbelt (Receipt recommended)

  • Received

Letter dated February 23, 2021, Regarding Requirements for Municipalities to Conform to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Receipt recommended)

  • Received


Thursday, April 29, 2021
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Council Chamber, 5th Floor
Regional Administrative Headquarters
10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A
Brampton, Ontario

Please forward regrets to Stephanie Jurrius, Committee Clerk, at [email protected].

The meeting adjourned at 11:48 a.m.