Adrian Smith, Chief Planner and Director of Regional Planning and Growth Management, provided an update on the status of Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 (ROPA 30) since it was approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) through an oral decision issued November 30, 2020. He provided an overview of next steps in policy implementation on the subject ROPA as it relates to the Peel 2041+ Official Plan Review, Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR), Provincially Significant Employment Zones (PSEZ) and Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs); population and growth allocations; local official plan amendment conformity with the Regional Official Plan; secondary planning process and servicing requirements; and, the recently approved Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) for the Bolton GO Station Area.
Members of the Committee and other Regional Councillors present discussed and raised questions regarding: regional and local municipal planning roles and processes; delineation of residential and employment areas; protection and plans for the Greater Toronto Area West Transportation and Transmission Corridors; growth allocations; implications of LPAT’s oral decision on ROPA 30 to local and regional official plans; community lands for mixed use availability within the PSEZ; land and infrastructure budget; MZO for the Bolton GO Station; status and potential follow-up of the Region’s request to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for an MZO to implement community use zoning on the Option 6 lands; alternative options to accommodate growth; the Region’s timelines to meet the Provincial conformity deadline of July 1, 2022; financial analysis of the draft MCR; and, front-end financing.
Councillor Thompson suggested that front-end financing for planning and development applications, to be reimbursed through Development Charges as part of the MCR process, be considered, similar to the approach utilized by the Town of Caledon.
Councillor Innis suggested that the maps for the future report include the GTA West Corridor and Provincially Significant Employment Zones and that the report include servicing costs associated with intensification projects in the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga.
Councillor Parrish stated that such an approach is not used by other municipalities and she requested that staff report back to a future Committee meeting with detailed information on front-end financing and development charges as tools for future applications.
Janice Baker, Chief Administrative Officer, clarified that staff can only report back on a broader fiscal framework for stronger front-end financing and development charges implementation policies to protect regional interests. However, it would not be feasible to conduct a comprehensive financial forecast for these tools.
Patrick O’Connor, Regional Solicitor, stated that the ROPA 30 Minutes of Settlement were carefully prepared to ensure that the municipal decision-making and the municipal planning authority were retained.
Members of the Committee requested that the minutes of the March 18, 2021 Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee be included on the March 25, 2021 Regional Council agenda, along with a copy of the report of the Interim Commissioner of Public Works, titled “Update on Regional Official Plan Amendment 30 as Approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal”.